Chapter 250: Guilt

With Altair's appearance, everything was overturned. It became evident that she is the main villain of this crossover story. An original character that has that shocking level of charisma. Even though she had only appeared now, there are one or two comments, like "She's hot!" or "WAIFFUUUUUU MATERIALLLL!!!"

Though, the audience is bound to be more surprised by the appearance of—


—unexpected guests.

Suddenly, a blue blur flashed behind Salter. She blocked it with her sword, but the spear tip agilely went around it and grazed her shoulder pads.


The silhouette tried to use her arm as a foothold but was sent away with a wave of her hand. The core of Red Dragon isn't something to be underestimated.

Surprisingly, the silhouette managed to regain his balance. After he landed, he positioned himself in a slightly prone position. Both of his feet are secured to the ground.


As he had expected, Salter came straight for him. A counterattack was sent to his left, bypassing the distance advantage of his spear. Luckily, this is not the first time he went through this.



Using the end of the spear, he blocked Salter's sideways strike. Now in close distance to each other, they had the moment to cross gazes. The silhouette's aqua-blue eyes met the dragon's pale golden pupils. The latter was surprised that she has been fighting against a kid. Yet, it's as if she is facing a veteran.


Mon3tr's black sickles forced the two of them to separate. Its huge figure briefly blocked Salter's vision. By the time she tried to look for the boy, she could not find him.

'He is...'


An ice spear covered in scarlet-red energy pierced through her shoulder. She could not notice that strike at all. This made her wonder why it did not aim for her vitals instead.

As a Servant, she has the physiology of a human. The damage made her drop [Excalibur]. Kneeling to the ground, she saw the blue-haired boy appearing out of nowhere.

"Matou... Shinji."

As someone from her series, she knew him. While he did not appear much in her story, he is quite a significant figure in her creator's manuscripts. What she could not understand, however, is his current strength. The Shinji in front of her is too far-fetched to the Shinji that she knows.

"It's nice to meet you, Artoria-san." Shinji bowed slightly while greeting her. "I am sorry about this, but we need to stop you from helping her."

For a moment, she was quiet. She did not know why an "enemy" is treating her this way.

"...Why? Why are you doing this?" She asked.

"Er... It's complicated."

Truthfully, it was Shiro who asked Shinji to treat her like this. The main reason is that she was just being exploited by Altair. She also has the destructive capabilities that the original Artoria did not have, making her a valuable ally at this moment.

"You can think of it as someone wanting to gain your cooperation."

"...I see."

Strangely, she did not choose to ask many questions.


A few minutes had passed ever since their meeting. Charon has a slight advantage as Selesia has been passive from the beginning. She chose to parry and block his attacks. If she did not do so, they would have been in a stalemate as the two of them had grasped each other's behaviors and patterns completely.

"I'm tired."

Surprisingly, his silence was broken as he had said it. He did not speak with Selesia after confirming that she would go against him no matter what.

"Avalon Brigade's forces are creeping beyond the frontline. All the fighting and deaths... I wish for it to end. For me, also."


Different from Selesia, Charon was worn out by the fights to remain their world's peace. He had been protecting others earlier than her, which is why he got to see more horrifying sights. The mere words of the author had turned his peaceful world into one wrought with wars. Altair made no mistake to call them "filthy gods, " as shown in this fight.

His creator, Matsubara, was also bothered by it. While he wrote everything with sincerity, it is undeniable that he was the one who brought conflict into his world. He wrote such a detailed setting not only for his love for his work but also to fulfill the story that he had envisioned. By doing so, he had placed many characters upon their deaths.

In a sense, they are at fault. They imposed an "absolute causality" that makes any event dictated by them happen no matter what.

"If I knew that everything is real..."

"There is no use thinking about it, Matsubara-san." The silent Shiro spoke up. "Rather than regretting the fact that YOU created them, you should be helping them now that you knew about this. Give them a happy end."

No one expected Shiro to speak solemn words such as this. Their impression of him is a gentleman who hardly got angry. Even when they are fighting, he would smile at them, as if nothing affects his peace. This time, it is different.

"I'm off to grab a drink."

"Get me one too."


After the short interaction with Kuroneko, Matsubara regained himself.

"You are right, Sakurai-san. A good ending... I'm going to do it."

In the end, Shiro smiled at him. To this man who has been the most considerate creator out of them all, he gave him respect. After knowing that his world is real, he chose to give his characters more care. He was the most enthusiastic one whenever Selesia and the others need their help.

Truly, it is difficult to find a genuine person in this world.

Still, this does not mean that the other creators are bad. Matsubara just surpasses them in terms of sincerity.

Shiro: "The focal operation would begin soon. Kuroneko is headed on your way, everyone."

Touka: "Got it."

Shiro: "I'll be repeating this. Appear at the most unexpected time. Madoka-chan, your act would begin soon."

Madoka: "I understand, sensei!"



A mecha covered with green particles bumped straight to Charon's Vogelchevalier. It formed some sparks between them, bringing the latter down to the ground.



As soon as Shikikan commanded it, 00 Qan [T]'s sword bits glowed green. They briefly rotated before dancing around the black mecha.




The Twin Drive system that serves as its engine went full throttle. Manipulating the GN particles around him, the sword bits turned into a GN Buster. A pillar of red light was compressed into the middle sword bit before being fired off at Charon.



It was a direct hit. Even with the distortion of space, he could not escape unscathed from Celestial Being's strongest Gundam. It was created to carry out peaceful dialogues, but it is now used to protect the world... from violence. Its purpose reverted to the earlier aim of Celestial Being—to stop armed conflict through their armed intervention.

Before the cloud of dust cleared up, 00 Qan [T]'s sword bits rotated swiftly. It formed an elongated portal that emits green particles.

"This heads straight to Altair's location. Use it."

A man's voice from an unknown channel rang inside her cockpit. Just as she was about to ask who he is, Kanoya connected in their line.

"You can trust him, Selesia-san. He saved my life last time."

"It's him?" She rhetorically asked. "If you say so, I will trust him..."

Without hesitation, Selesia flew inside the portal. Kanoya and the pegasus-riding knight, Alicetaria, followed. the three of them are the key to Meteora's first and second plans. The third and last backups are used if these fail. They did not have the chance to use it on Altair due to being held down, but they would have the chance now.

When the portal closed down, all that was left are Qan [T] and Unicorn.

"Looks like it's time to determine the winner between our mechs."

Universal Century versus Anno Domini... the fight between the two timeline's strongest mech ensues.


A/N: Intermittent updates are to be expected until we finish our midterms in the middle of March. Our current schedule are jam-packed at this point that I nearly fell asleep writing this (lol). Though, you can expect it more as a "once every two days" thing if I could not upload in a daily basis. Now, I understand why writers after the vacation has a lesser update frequency than usual...

Have a nice reading~!