Chapter 263: Revenge From the Future

"This is going to be a troublesome fight."

Recalling Altair's unusual abilities given by it, Kuroneko clicked her tongue. She knew how strong that girl is, with all her powers, when they fought together in the future.

That's right. Things would be resolved normally even without their interference.


'We overlooked such a thing.'

That one mistake led to a stream of events in the future. Even Shiro failed to notice it at that time... perhaps. Kuroneko had many suspicions regarding this period. When he ushered into his currently most powerful state, the so-called "Goddess Chain", he should have noticed its existence, yet everything led to that outcome.

"Sometimes, I don't know what's going on inside his head." She murmured inaudibly as she looked at the gradually disappearing Shiro. She knew that he would be soon transforming into that state. All she has to do is to buy time.

She met gazes with Kal'tsit. They both reached the same conclusion about this woman whom she had a sense of rivalry.

""I will settle this.""

Within a split thought, both of them moved out.



Why is it that the more you know about something, the more questions you hold about it?

This holds true, especially to these identities of mine. I have unraveled many things from the items in my treasuries as well as my encounters with my past selves, yet I see nothing but grey fog beyond a certain point. My first life.

What is important in my first life? Am I the apex of everything, the one who solely rules reality itself?

The answer that I got this time is... no.

"What a strange feeling."

Right after being pierced by those blades, I gave the command to Nichiro. The command to access the full potential of this UR-rated item. Theoretically, it would give me a straight passage into the apex, albeit temporarily. Yet, the discoveries under this state surprised me.

"My first life is more normal than I have thought."


It is the name used by the man who brought over suspicious things to Altair's world. I thought that he is an anomaly just like Altair, but my forebodings are proven true.

"Leo" is the name that I took during Fenrir's time. It is the birth name that I got from my dead parents (at that time). It is my name that was decided upon millions of years ago. It begs to differ that it has no connection with what happened now.

Surprise, surprise.

There is.

My name in my first life turned out to be "Miyahara Leo". My information is locked down under several layers of powers, all of which came from my third life. Two Beyond Creator-class trying their best to prevent anything from leaking out is that difficult to pierce into.

That's why I am changing the plans.

'I won't touch it for now, but I need to know the reasons.'

There's a reason why I dislike being kept in the dark. That feeling of unease that comes out of nowhere is not pleasant.

[V Point has been reached. Pre-assigned missions have been established.]

[Twist of Fate]

Details: You, who have reached the conclusion, seeks the answer to your question. The scales of fate have been reversed. The responsibility of bearing it is now up to you. If you do not know what to do, here's a small piece of advice: do what you are normally doing.

Mission: ???

Rewards: ???


[The current mission has been designated with the highest level of classification, Truth Obliteration. Please do your best in order to complete the mission.]

Along with the prompt that surely must have come from my past self is an ominous line. This is the first time that my "System" issued such an ominous warning, not even when I was about to die. Anyways, what was it...

Right. Calamity Encroachment, Apocalyptic Homage... These are the levels that I designed the system for "emergency" missions. The final level has the capability to, well, threaten the existence of our known reality. Meaning, every single known entity would be swept up by its scale. Even my predicted rampage under the is only designated as the second highest, False Proliferation.

It only meant that the proliferation of my unchecked power could lead to all things turning "false". They would cease to exist.

As for truth obliteration... I have an inkling of what it could mean.

"Hah." I let out a forced chuckle. "Am I about to go back to my old job?"

For now, I would revert back to my old ways—a Hero.


Midair, a purely black entity floated. It looks similar to Kuroneko's shadows but more... dangerous.

Waves of black blades are summoned under its command. Their existence tore through the reality of this world, eliciting cracks and black tears of nothingness all over the place. Everything that it passed through was met under the same fate.


In its shadow, a human figure came out. Her speed was extremely fast and she only left a "buzzing" sound a second later. When she passed through the entity, it was showered under dozens of white slashes, threatening to separate her into hundreds of sections.


The entity did not react to her attacks and instead interrupted one of her swings with an object reminiscent of Ppsh-41.

Bang-! Bang-! Bang-!

It shot out bullets one after another, prompting Kuroneko to switch into the defensive. Her shadows covered for her, attacking the entity in a brief moment.




One by one, they were pierced by the blades. Then, opposing darkness tried to enclose them wholly. However, it couldn't do so no matter how hard it tried. Instead, the shadows continuously attacked her as she attacked Kuroneko.

Suddenly, a bright white light came forth. It put the entity asunder, showering it with purifying light. It effectively counteracted the darkness which envelops it.




With a single tap of her foot, it was interrupted, causing it to only partially break it. Still, the appearance below that darkness was unveiled to the two.

"No doubt. That's her when she looks crazy."

The same calm appearance of Altair revealed itself. At a glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with her. Though, the darkness that envelops her begs to differ.

Kuroneko slid through the ground of her [Shadow Domain]. The impact caused by the bullets is nothing short of world-ending. The weight behind them can crush forth star systems easily by distorting their space. Altair's world could've ended if not for the fact that it is her Shadow Domain.

"I want to pay her back that one time..."

With a petty thought, she rushed straight at her once again.