Chapter 286: Foreigners

"Are you still at it?"

"Why would I?" Akagi replied as they returned to their hotel room. "Why would I be petty towards your first love?"

Clearly, she could not completely forget her first loss back in the end. Although, she had already mellowed a lot. If she still had her previous personality, she would have been more direct and physical in it.

'It's been a million years already...' He thought. 'Well, she could be emotional at times.'

Shiro saw that Akagi harbored no malicious intent towards Enty. Instead, she was playful and showed off her information superiority at that moment.

After pacifying his emotional wife, they turned their attention towards the small girl in Shiro's arms.

"Isn't she Illustrious' sister?"

"She is. She's the main repair ship of the HMS fleet."

While she looks cute, HMS Unicorn's purpose in the battlefield is not just being a mascot. Rather, it is her duty to heal damaged ships in the midst of a battle as well as assist in their maintenance. She was a crucial asset to the Ashes faction as her healing ability mutated which increased the effectiveness of her healing.

Towards the girls who fought in a daily basis, her presence along with several other repair ships were always appreciated.

[Acceptance Rate: 58% --> 69%]

Seeing the sudden increase with his world's acceptance towards himself, he knew that this encounter was the right thing that happened.




Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Akagi's eyes narrowed as she knew that this should not have been possible.

"It might be an enemy, dear."

"I'll answer it."

Transferring the sleeping Unicorn to the bed, he prepared his [Authorities] before opening the door.

"Hello. What do you—"

He stopped talking as he saw the person on the other side. Having a height that could only reach his chin, the newcomer stared at him with a sharp look.

"I see."

She let out two words, yet it was enough to change the atmosphere on her surroundings. To make things worse, Akagi knew who it was... and pressed her breast behind Shiro's back. Her nine tails swayed in tune with her emotions.

"Nothing much changed..." She said as she looked at the girl's flat chest.

"You're still the same, flaunting your excessive fat everywhere."

During their time in the past, Akagi often used her weapons of destruction to seduce Shiro. This earned the ire of girls who were lacking at this aspect. One of them was the girl in front of her...

"Let's calm down, no?" Shiro intervened between them. "Our world might give us the boot if this continues."

Usually, Shiro took charge of mediating between his harem during his Fenrir life. This was not a huge problem when he was the Magus, but his wives at Fenrir's side has different personalities.

In the end, he held the hands of the two girls as he pulled them inside the room.

Truly, he had no choice but to be completely assertive.


"So you already sensed my arrival from back then."

"It is clear that nobody could mess up with timelines as well as you." The newcomer, Nimi, said bluntly.

"That, I agree." Akagi concurred.

Hearing their descriptions of him, Shiro could only smile wryly.

"At least, I am not a destroyer of worlds."

"My memories might have been failing me. I recall there was a certain world that you almost destroyed if not for its will and your power turning time back?"

Nimi pertained to his intervention with Castoria's lostbelt. Since he could not control his power due to the "irrational" master of Chaldea at that time, he went all-out in their fight. All five hundred servants—Divine Spirits, Heroic Spirits, Beasts—fought against him alone. As a newly-minted Beyond Creator, he could barely take all of them on.

Most of them are restricted in their nature. Some has unique powers while the others could somehow bypass the ranks between them. Truly, that was his most difficult fight since his life as the stable Magus who did not interfere with most affairs.

Even so, the fight abruptly ended as the bubble timeline that he wanted to protect nearly got destroyed.

"That does not count. The insect was the one who almost got it down." Shiro tried to defend himself.

"But you almost dealt the finishing blow."

"...alright. My bad."

This interaction sent him back to the past. These simple, carefree conversations that he did with his wives was something that he treasured.

"I understand why."

A bright idea passed through Akagi's mind.

"You feel more you now."

"...That's right. In the past, I always felt that something changed with you."

When his soul was split into two, each of them carried his distinct traits. Hence, it would seem as if one of them were lacking something that made Shiro, Shiro.

"Anyways, I still..."

"It does not matter, for I..."

Both Nimi and Akagi spoke up simultaneously.

"" you the same."""

For a moment, Shiro was stunned. This joint attack made his calm mind in disarray and his heart aflutter. His white hoodie did little to hide his visage, unlike his magus robe.

The two noticed it and had thin smiles on their face.

"...I never guessed you two would team up."

"It was a coincidence." Nimi replied bluntly.

"I never expected her to do it too."

When Akagi spoke, Shiro could hear her imaginary "tch" upon the lost opportunity that she could have done alone.


A small voice came from the bed room's door, prompting all three of them to look towards it. There, they saw the groggy Unicorn who had just woken up from her sleep.

"Good morning."

When she saw Shiro's smile and the colors around her, she could not hide her surprise. While her affliction might have been milder than Centaur's who constantly brought her fear against the darkness, there was no way to cure it.

That is, until, Shiro brought light to her world once more.

She wordlessly run towards Shiro and went into his embrace.

"There, there..."

He comforted her by continuously providing headpats—proven and tested throughout his entire life.

Seeing this scene made Akagi recall their troublesome child.

"I wonder what she's been up to lately..."



A silhouette fell straight from the sky. The sheer impact of it alone caused a dust cloud to kick up as well as several kilometers of radius being made into a crater.


A mouthful of blood was vomited to the ground as the girl's face contorted under her hood. She found her left arm limping and the dropped handgun on the ground.

"I need... to..."

Gritting, she took out her small black backpack. This trusty bag contained most of the treasures that she stored before she went out of her world. Of course, it included a wide array of healing items.

Opening the cap to a childish tumbler, she drank half of its contents in one go. It was only then did she feel much better. When she closed it, she sensed its automatic replenishment.

With its energy, she healed her limp arm in a split second.

Although she was still feeling weak, it is something that could be solved later.

"Where am I..?"

She grabbed the black handgun as she examined her surroundings. A clear engraving could be found on its sleek surface, which said: "Mana XV". Upon confirming the lack of hostiles, she summoned forth an ethereal room in which she stored most of her weapons. Dozens of guns could be found in it, each with their serial markings.


She immediately replaced the gun in her hand with an automatic rifle (MANA LIX). It fired specialized bullets that could kill with a single one of them hitting. It also provided will interference protection that allowed it to exert a greater power even in foreign worlds.

The barrel of the rifle glinted as she finally saw her target.

In the center of a city ruins, there was a strange creature with glowing pink lights. She does not know this creature, but its malicious intent was enough to mark it as her enemy.

"What a greeting."

The girl, Mana, whispered before she pulled the trigger.


A/N: The entry point to the Honkai Impact world finally appears. Do take note that these events happen during the PE. To be more specific, after the descent of the 7th Herscherr (basically Himeko's death and the creation of Judgement of Shamash). I lack some canon knowledge during Kiana's timeline (I didn't finish Honkai at the latest chapter), plus there's the fact that the Flamechasers had their tragic lives that I wish to influence.

Then again, I slipped in these portions since HoE (Herscherr of the End) is shown to have joined the chat group. This'll show how she joined the chat group as well as how they would interact with the Honkai world. And yes, Romani will come to this world as well ;)