Chapter 292: Saving the World

While zoning out the man, Mana found an incredible discovery. This world showed signs of being in the "modern era" as what her father put it, yet there's no humans to be found in her radius.


Stomping her feet, she forcefully made her temporary "center" before her sensed all of Earth.


In total, there's less than a hundred thousand humans living! Moreover, traces of an "authority" going through nearly the entire planet was found.

"Technological jamming..? No, it's much more than that." She mumbled. "An anti-energy zone that rejects... no, pushes energy to the state of entropy? No wonder..."

With a glance, she deduced what happened in this world. Aside from the [Will] that pushed this 'world' to destruction, there were beings similar to her—a god. At least, someone like a Main or an Ancient God that has a part of creator attributes.

Then again, they are somehow strange. This was something to be happy of, though. Things would become difficult once an actual creator or even a Beyond creator is involved. She's still injured due to her reckless act of traveling worlds.

Lowering her aim, she asked the vigilant man in front of her:

"Your world... What happened to it?"



A vague connection was sensed by Shiro as he stopped talking. Right now, he was in the part where he told his 'previous' girlfriend that he now has wives.

Unexpectedly, Enterprise took it better than he thought.

"I see... There's no doubts that you would have a wife given your circumstances..."

When he was reincarnated to another world, he lost all of his memories. Even Nimi nor Akagi recognized him early on, simply because "he" is too different from the Shikikan that they knew. It was only when he became a god did he start regaining those memories. By the time he was a , he knew everything up until his first life.

After saying those words, she fell silent. Her expression became the same cold face that she used to wear, thus nobody except Shiro could see through her.

Settling the vague connection, he began talking.

"I... I don't know if we could go back to our past relationship."

Back then, he did not have any other woman except her. It was completely monogamy in nature. Harem is its direct counterpart where he have numerous women with a romantic relationship as him. In a certain viewpoint, it is unfair for the girl. She gives all of her love to a man, yet the said man could not do the same to her?

Then again, it is also difficult for the man. Maintaining the good relationship between his partners, treating them equally, and making sure that none of them gets hurt are some of his responsibilities. The quote 'With multiple women comes greater responsibility' holds true.

Harem isn't simply a fantasy where you would hope for everyone to get together without doing anything.

Fenrir was a prime example of it. He had to deal with those 'battle of deaths', except each of his wives are at rank. Especially the battle between Altera and Akagi... that moment when the former wanted to become his while the latter vehemently disagreeing with it—that other women would get in the way of their relationship.

As for Nimi and Castoria... theirs were more tame, with the two of them getting along due to the fact that they like two things: knowledge and Shiro.

When looking back at these, Akagi had truly grown from the love-crazed yandere into an understanding wife.

"I am—"

"There's no need for apologies, Shiro. We did not have any control on what happened."

Surprisingly, she did not feel complicated after all of these.

"And... Isn't it just loving you? Things might have happened, but..." She wore a resolute expression while holding her chest. "My love for you won't change."


Now, he was reminded why she became his first girlfriend. Out of all the KANSENs, she is the most determined one. Give her a goal and she would do her best to attain it. It just happened that Shiro became the biggest meaning of her life.

"Of course, I expected that this scenario might happen in the future."


This time, he was forced to make a dumbfounded look.

"I... I thought that you would not ignore the feeling of those girls."

As she said it, she looked towards Illustrious whom have replied:

"There's nothing between us. He is my best friend, nothing else."

His relationship between Illustrious goes way back in the past. When he became closer to Unicorn, he became closer to her. That time, she did not have any romantic feelings for him. She treated their relationship as a platonic one.

Yet, she does not know anymore. Is it due to her affliction which forced her down her painful memories every day? Did she realize that she valued her 'best friend' this much, that if he disappears, she would be this hurt?

"Please stop looking intensely."


This time, he felt complicated. Why is his relationship with women this complicated? Did he ever have a platonic female friend?

Oh, he has one.

The legendary mechanic who cooped up inside her lab for most of the days, Kouzuki.

Suddenly, he recalled the vague connection from earlier.

"This..? Mana-chan..?"

Using [Mysteries], he tried to pry on her fate, yet it was unsuccessful. Though, it worked after using [Magus] on top of it. Even so, all he got was vague images, which is true to its connection.

'Wait a minute... Honkai..?'

There's only a single item related to it that he is familiar with: Romani's [Void Archives].

'Did my daughter end up on its origin world?'

Knowing the power that she has, he slightly calmed down. There might be transcendental beings like [Fourteen]—a future member of the chat group—as well as its unique [Will], but she is able to handle them with her rank.

'But why did this connection appear?'

Just as he was thinking, Enterprise caught his mumblings.

"Mana? Your daughter?"

"That's right. For some reason, I caught the gist of her current situation."

"Big brother. Can I meet her in the future?" Unicorn suddenly asked.

"You can. She's a reliable older sister, that I am certain of."

Shiro and his other wives did not raise Mana half-heartedly. Even though she is Akagi's daughter, the others helped nurturing her. Hence, she inherited a part of their skills. If he's not mistaken, she should have made them her own techniques now.

"Your daughter... I would like to meet her one day."


Azur Lane.


"So you're telling me you are Shiro, one that belongs on another time?"

Inside the Commander's office, five KANSENs and two humans gathered. The leaders of the major factions, Enterprise and Elizabeth along with her escort, faced the Shiro-lookalike and Z23.

The three of them looked towards the blue-eyed Shiro, only for him to shrug.

"It is what it is. A parallel version of myself, no?"

"As expected of myself. You realized exactly everything that has to be known." Shiro praised his past self. "Things are a little sensitive at that time. Let's just say that I could not reveal my 'identity', else I will be punished."

"Those [Wills] are mysterious, indeed."

While seeing both of them 'complimenting' the other, they could not help but deadpan for a moment.

"So, you are Nimitz all along?" Enterprise asked.

"Yes. As to why, it is the most suitable identity for that moment. Historically, isn't she your evolved little sister?"

USS Nimitz was made after USS Enterprise. It is the first nuclear-powered ship that had many contributions in the peaceful modern era. Of course, she would be decommissioned in the future.

"What is that dream all about?"

Suddenly, Shikikan asked a question. It is one that continuously bothered him ever since the day he dreamed of it.

"Those memories... I am fairly sure that it did not happen. But, I am sure that it happened around the same time as now."

"It's a fairly complicated question. Let's just say that..." Shiro made a decision on how he would tell their story. " are lucky enough to live in a peaceful world. Mine was not."


"That's right." He agreed to his words. "I... I will be making it one soon."


Sakura Empire.

Still looking with a bit of disbelief, Nagato sipped tea from her cup before gently lowering it to the table.

"I did not expect for you to succeed... in a different world."

She knew how problematic Akagi was. She is obsessive, overly protective, and possessive. She's the type who would become angry towards the other girl when all she did is to talk with her Shikikan. Even now, she is on bad terms with the other women whom are the same as her.

(A/N: i.e., Yanderes.)

Seeing this calm and collected Akagi made her question whether she was dreaming or not.

"What could I say? My love reached him."

"Akagi's no longer the same as before."

"...I could see that."

Using this brief moment, she collected her thoughts. She pushed back the casual questions and went straight to the crux of their visit.

"Why did you two choose to visit here?"

"We know about the things you are wary about, Nagato-sama."

For the first time, Akagi addressed someone with honorifics. The girl in front of them is just that worthy of her respect. In their past life, Nagato sacrificed too many things to hold everyone together. She even served as Akagi's greatest wingman, something she is infinitely grateful for.

"You desire peace, correct?"

"That I am."

Akagi followed up with a bizarre question.

"If those matter came to an end, you could bring forth a peaceful world, no?"

"Again, that is correct." Nagato replied. "What people need is assurance. They choose the safe path instead of a risky one. The upcoming war is simply a way for them to better prepare for the worse."

The main reason why the two factions detached from Azur Lane was to gain more resources during war. By centralizing the world's resources in one country, they could form better countermeasures. Selfishness is included in it, but every leader had at least considered this option once.

The incoming mysterious threat was that dangerous.

"You should prepare yourselves. The chance to stop that war is coming."

"What did you say..?"

Shiro interrupted her words.

"You should know about my power as Nimitz. Obliterating Siren and Arbiter fleets is very easy. Do take note that I could do something that surpasses it."

"...What are you planning?"

In the end, she could only ask this single question.

"We will be saving this world."


A/N: That concludes this chapter. The next chapters would resolve the problems for Azur Lane arc. Then, we will be seeing Shiro visit the previous mission worlds and settle his remaining stuff there. After that... it's a secret.

Happy reading~!