Chapter 295: Childish GoD

"Now, now. Why don't we put off that frightening expression for a bit?"

"You must have your explanations ready."

Shiro expressionlessly stared at the girl beyond the dark room.

"Well, you guessed it correctly~!"

"...Quit that joshi kousei act."

(Joushi Kousei = High school girl)

"You don't like it?"

"It's weird for you to act like that considering your age."

This time, Shiro was invited inside. The very moment he stepped inside, he saw the horrendous state it had been.

"You can't even live like a human. What a shut-in."

"I simply did not have time to clean up. Ah, only if I knew that a guest is coming."

"That's not a valid reason."

Manifesting his own wooden chair, he sat across the black-haired girl from the sofa. Her mix of red, golden, and black pupils was a wonder in this world. Except for that feature, she looked exactly the same as a normal Japanese girl in the midst of her adolescence.

"Can I explain now?"

"I'm listening."

"Alright. You see, you play around sometimes, yes?"

"I do." Shiro replied. "Don't tell me that your 'playing around' reached out to another world?"

"No, no. My father would definitely be angry if I did that. Pointlessly provoking a war with the unknown isn't well-received by him."

With this statement, Shiro already had an expectation as to how "everything" happened.

"You see, I wanted to sla-take a break from work. Overseeing the underworld is a tiresome process, after all."

'Slack off, huh.' He thought.

"That's when I had a brilliant idea. If I transfer a part of me to someone else, I would be able to conceal myself for a while."

"...and that 'someone else' is the spider?"


By putting a portion of herself to a random spider, she was able to become a normal high school girl in Japan. She experienced the break that she sought for a long time. Compared to managing their world's reincarnation cycle, the Underworld, being a high schooler gave her leeway to do many mundane things.

Gaming for an entire day is an example of it. Even then, solving the projects and assignments in her school was much easier than her previous work.

'An artificial god... That's why she is strange.'

Shiro's [Six Eyes] saw through Shiraori the moment he met her. One of the strangeness that he saw was her "forceful" ascension to godhood. Definitely, she did not look like someone who had undergone the traditional process of apotheosis.

"But, things began to become more interesting. One of the worlds that I am privately overseeing formed a connection with this world. Of course, I let it be."

As she spoke, Shiro understood what happened. After it formed a connection, a select group of reincarnators were chosen to 'reincarnate' in that world instead of Earth. They received the traditional isekai starter pack—a huge amount of skill points as well as the privilege of retaining their consciousness.

No doubt, they grew at an extremely fast rate. What was interesting, however, was the students who reincarnated as monsters. They did not have the starting skill points that the others had, but they could move freely since the day they were born. This gave an advantage that was even more broken than the ones who reincarnated as babies.

In the end, Shiraori became a god while her other companions became strong enough to be the commander of the Demon King's armies. They are unequalled compared to most reincarnators due to the huge amount of combat experiences that they have, as opposed to those who started as infants and was nurtured in a safe place.

This power dynamic continued to be so until the "war" involving the system core, Sariel. Everything became too chaotic, but D decided to only interfere once their world was destroyed, which did happen in the future. She allowed the evacuation of the lucky survivors and transferred them to a new world.

As for the remnant of that broken world, it drifted outside this world's influence. Slowly, it turned into a world of itself and a [Will] was born. The rest was history—the war that Shiro had experienced himself.

"Both of us know that a destroyed portion of a world would completely disappear. It wouldn't end up like that."

"But it did."

"We can consider that as a freak of nature."

"...You need to take responsibility, jou-san. Your actions affected my world, be it intentionally or not."

Hearing this, D sighed. She tried to irk this responsibility, but she could not disrespect a fellow god at her level. Moreover, she vaguely felt that there was something more to him than just this—that he would definitely abide by his words from before.

"What do you want me to do, then?"

"I'll ask for three things." Shiro gestured with his fingers. "First, protect my world whenever I am gone."

Immediately, she sent a doubtful look, as if saying 'You? When would you be gone?'

"Yawn... That's easy. What's the other one?"

Inwardly, Shiro smiled. In the future that he knew of, he did not remember seeing "D" once. There could only be two possibilities:

They did not receive the chat group's invitation and operated independently, or...

They have already been destroyed by that time.

Either way, he would be making a future ally for the upcoming future. Just by entering this world, he already sensed the presence of a Beyonder as well as several Creators. Meaning, this world is a strong one—it is just below his native world where he reigned as Fenrir and Magus.

"You owe me two favors."

"A blank cheque, eh? Why would you need a favor from someone like me?"

To that, Shiro responded by looking straight at her mystical eyes. Gray fog glinted in his eyes swiftly before he said:

"You'll see in the future."

At this moment, D truly felt curious. What could the god opposite her see that she could not? Her cunning side is practically screaming at her that 'something big is going on'!

"I understand. I'll keep my word."

"Hm. Sign these."

Shiro handed out three documents to her.

"A contract?"

"They call it "Heavenly Oath" where they came from."

[Heavenly Oath (UR)]

Details: A materialized form of the heavenly oath pledged by the cultivators under the Great Dao. Works to everyone except the ones who have escaped their restraints.

It is one of the items that Shiro got under the lucky spin when his points reached a million. He could select specific UR-items, but he abused the lucky spins with his luck. Inside his storage, there are several URs that he found useless, at least for now. With his powers and current items, they are enough to handle nearly all things.

D was 'forced' to sign these agreement as a form of insurance. The moment she ever goes back to her word, the strong power that came from a world [Will] would hunt her down in an instant.

The chair disintegrated the moment Shiro stood up. Just as he was about to leave, he snapped his fingers before her so-called mess started organizing themselves. The built-up dust obediently floated to the open window as fresh air entered her hikikomori nest.

"Just so you know, I put up a barrier the moment I came. Fret not, your 'father' won't discover about this."

"You do know how to be considerate."

"I am considerate." He replied. "To bratty kids like you, that is."


D was about to retort when she found out that Shiro departed already. He could no longer be found in this world and returned back to his own time—the present. From the start, she was aware that he came from her future.

"I want to see the future already but..." She felt conflicted until she made her decision. "It would be spoiling the fun."

What she thought to be a troublesome day turned into an interesting one instead.