Chapter 298: Settlement

Upon returning, the first thing Shiro saw is a group of women: Enterprise, Illustrious, Nimi, Akagi, and two new arrivals. His mind processed everything swift enough.

'Eli and Centaur?'

"How is it, your highness?"

Sometimes, a queen could cry like a child.


Few days later.

"That should do it."

Upon placing the [Genesis Cube] and combining it with [Laplace's Demon], it turned into an automated security system akin to the world [Will]. Only, it targets the plight of KANSENs as well as maintaining the order of the world. It also fixed the anomalies within a META KANSENs' body.

"I'll be leaving for a while." He said to the two.

"No worries. We should catch up soon."

"Do inform us in advance if the numbers will be higher, dear."

"...I will."

Forming an aurora curtain, Shiro stepped into it. Moments later, he found himself on a familiar spot.

"Another Japan..."

He is finally back into the mission world. With a soft sigh, he recalled what he did under a week. Not only did he nip the political disputes, he also settled the factions' problems with each other. That, and meeting with the KANSENs he once commanded. He also left Anzeel and Aosta on that 'heaven' for a while. After all, he knew how much they would be working once they descend into Earth again.

Nevertheless, he felt even lighter than before. He resolved everything he wanted to do for more than thousands of years. It was truly at this moment did he feel a level of happiness like never before.

As he returned into his house, he spent more than 100,000 points for the random spins. With his max-level luck, he got more than fifteen URs of varying types. One of them is a transformation device similar to [Tail Gear].

[Neo DecaDriver]

Details: The device held by the fated destroyer of worlds, Decade. It holds the power of all Riders he met in his journey as well as his will prior to his death.

Funnily enough, Shiro saw it on one of his split possibilities. There was a world where he received it and not [Tail Gear] during his earlier summons. Then again, he realized that [Tail Gear] must be one of the variables for the apocalyptic future—it created an alternate self based on his characteristics.

One Shiro is already unpredictable, but how about two Shiros? Two separate but interrelated existences that are not caused by a [Time Clone]. Meaning, it is already a contingency in and of itself.

'Once Nichiro wakes up, I need to discuss the future plans with her.'

There are other UR rewards like abilities, heaven-defying items, and so on. Of course, he will use them as the core of his plans. As for his remaining points, he would decide whether to spend them all on pulls or on something else.

Once he opened the door, he was surprised to see no one inside his place. He estimated that only a day at most had passed during his visit to his home world.

"Well, I'll plan things first."

After making coffee for himself, he continued his line of thought.

'The future is locked. Meaning, I couldn't create a paradox.'

This was the first thing that baffled him. If he could not affect the future, why rely on him to change the future?

'Fooling everyone from the future.'

When he gave information to Rimuru, it was not everything. He saw that there are some leftover information there—ones that he could use to establish and spread his contingencies. In the first place, it was that finding that convinced him that he could change the future.

'If we act on the premise that nobody else know about the contingencies, it would not be a paradox. Changing the future will become possible.'

Something similar had happened on one of the worlds that he accidentally peeked into. There, the man tried to reach the so-called "Steins;Gate", which is their world's ideal future. However, he could not do so. No matter what he does, he was stuck on the decision between two timelines.

One of them involved saving his childhood friend and stopping World War Three at the cost of his lover's life. The other involved his childhood friend dying and World War Three happening, but his lover lives until the end of it.

In the end, he chose the third choice. Stopping anything from happening on the past is bound to happen as it involves a huge karma to bear. If you changed the deaths of one person, the corresponding karma would forcefully cause it to happen whether you interfered or not. Simply put, the act of changing the past would be the cause behind the death of that person.

In the Azur Lane world, it is better known as 'Bootstrap Paradox'.

Interestingly, the man—Okabe Rintarou—circumvented this rule by "fooling the past". If you 'let' the incident happen in the past but make some modifications to it—such as faking the death of a person—it would work. This is the same act Shiro was trying to pull off to save the future.

'Everything is bound to happen. I just need to place enough variables to instantly tilt everything into our side.'

Under his deep concentration, he closed himself off. his mind kept calculating of the needed variables as well as the possibilities that could happen to the future. His [Mystery] and [Magus] helped greatly as they allowed him to make better predictions.

He never noticed the arrival of Kal'tsit until he saw her staring at him wordlessly across the seat.

"You're on deep thought. Shouldn't you be celebrating after fixing something you wanted to do?"

"Nothing much. I'm just concerned about the future."

"The future..?"

Kal'tsit felt something wrong about his words. She felt that she must be forgetting something, though she does not know what is it. Still, he remembered these words as it might be helpful later.

"How much time did pass here?" He asked.

"Three days."

"That much?"

He was slightly startled but soon realized that him traveling to D's world contributed in it.

"Azur Lane... I played it when you left."


"Tell me. Did you marry everyone in that game?"

Her serious face and cold eyes made him think she was asking something serious. Of course, he tried his best to properly respond.

"No. Why would I?"

"That's great." She let out a voice of 'happiness', though it is still her usual straight tone. "I thought you married everyone, considering that you could do so in the game."


Shiro knew that his world being made into a game was the act of its information leaking to another world. That was how many 'fictional' pieces of the chat group members' lives are often seen as anime and games. He was truly unaware on how that worked on his world.

"You could even choose to marry girls like 'Unicorn'—"

"Hold up."

Shiro cut her words off as he felt a boiling rage. he thought of her as a little sister, nothing else! Why would the developers of that 'fictional' game pit him with children?!

"You're angry."

Kal'tsit saw a small movement on his mouth—his repressed anger. She is familiar enough to notice small changes like this.

"After this mission, I swear I will beat those game developers up."

At this moment, millions of players, fan-artists, as well as the developers inside a certain company felt strong chills. In particular, a certain Intern felt it the most.


A/N: We're wrapping up the Re: creators world next chapter :)

After that would be Arknights world before his visits to the other mission worlds begin. My creativity is back and running! I already thought of many interesting interactions. There's also the sentiments upon seeing the aftermaths of the missions worlds. It really makes that certain impact where a hero realizes everything he had done is truly worth it.

PS: I am also looking forward on how he punishes everyone behind Azur Lane's development.