Chapter 300: Rhodes Island

Ever since becoming a chat group member, the others tried to find Kal'tsit's story in some worlds to no avail. They did not have idea on her world's future except for Shiro.

"I did see a glimpse of it but to deteriorate this badly..."

He had a feeling that every lifeform in the surface would be extinct. It would not grow to the point of world destruction per se. Nevertheless, he found it strange that the [Will] did not make a move until now.

"Did it decide this way's the best possibility or something else..?"

He tried to access his [Moon] authority, only to find out someone else has it. He was intrigued for a moment before realizing what was happening. The worlds connection to the chat group becomes a 'singularity' due to its outside intervention. Most worlds has their 'parallels' like Romani's world, Fate, and his world, Azur Lane.

What they does not account, however, was that outside intervention was nearly non-existent.

Some exceptions to it are Ritsuka's bond with [Foreigners] and [Extra] classes. Simply, Fate world itself makes use of foreigners and converts them to its own power. Else, why would foreigners like Altair, Abigail Williams, and Voyager be summoned as servants?

Shaking these thoughts off, he focused on his situation.

"It's rare to experience this..."

Granted, he could use the [Aurora Curtain] to travel in parallel worlds. It is not that hard for him, a [Creator]. In fact, he could easily come back to the Terra he is familiar with. The reason why he is hesitating is due to Kal'tsit's story. He would be able to draw a parallel with the Kal'tsit he knows and know about her pre-destined future.

"The [Will] is not rejecting me. Strange."

Another reason is he did not feel any rejection whatsoever. That was the only thing to think about during a parallel world travel. Although, it did not take effect when he did so.

"It wouldn't hurt to explore."

With a single step, he arrived on the surface. The smell of burnt embers is still present on the air. Leisurely, he walked across Kazimierz.

"No corpses, huh?"

The strangest thing he discovered was the lack of corpses. There are traces of flesh and blood but no corpses. If someone else went to this world, they would have been creeped out by it.

Noticing the moonlight falling gently nearby, Shiro's eyes went into the full moon on the sky. He flashed a smile as an idea flew past him.

"I should regain it first."



As the city closest to the shore, it become nothing but its former vestiges when the Seaborns attacked. They are inevitably caught on the first wave. Cities fell until a single one remained.

"Huff... Huff..."

The tanned man's knees fell to the ground. He gripped his sword tightly, his mind unbending. Even until now, when the supply line was cut off—signifying the downfall of the city he protected—he never gave up. Still, he is only a mortal.

His clothes stuck closely to his body due to his sweat. His drenched hair covered a portion of his eyesight.

"I... can... still..!"

Originally, he was on a scheduled vacation to his birth country, Iberia. The Doctor allowed it since it is normal. Albeit, nobody knew the attack of the Seaborns would begin. As a result, Rhodes Island could not immediately recall the operators nearby to the sea. They also had to respond to emergency signals that abruptly appeared at a quick rate.

Terra was quickly plunged into chaos due to this single event.

'Doctor... He will lead us to a better future.'

His conviction towards his superior—Doctor—did not waver. He saw how he managed to struggle through many events.




Each time, he made a wise decision. It wasn't a perfect one, but it suffices.

'If so..!'

Just as he was about to turn himself fully into a Seaborn, a ray of moonlight fell into his radius. It gave a serene feeling—unapproachable and inviolable.

"You must be from Rhodes Island."

A voice came behind him. Thorns was startled when he saw a person. It's as if he was not a person but a ghost!

He tried to respond to the man. However, his voice could not come out due to extreme fatigue. Still, the man understood what he wanted to say.

"I see, Thorns." The man said. "I'll settle this in a moment."

The man's silver pupils reflected the distant moon. His white overcoat's sleeves was stained by black blood. As he made another step, the entire place was enveloped in a silver glow. Moments later, the surrounding Seaborns disintegrated into specks of white light.

Thorns was visibly shocked by this sight. In his mind, only those group of people could do something ridiculous like this. Before he could think about it further, he lost consciousness.

"And he sleeps. It's not like I'm unfamiliar with that feeling, though."

He took Thorns by his neck before disappearing in place.


Shiro: "It was just a slip. I could return whenever I want."

Romani: "Here we thought you are in danger again."

Kouzuki: "This might be your habit at this point."

Kal'tsit: "Agreed."

Kuroneko: "+1"

Shinji: "+1"

Shino: "+1"

Shiro: "..."

Shiro: "Anyways, I'll try and check something here."

Kal'tsit: "About Terra? You don't need to do it."

Shiro: "It's not just that. I want to see your parallel self. I'm interested whether she's different from you or not."

Romani: "Now that you have said it, that's interesting."

Cardinal: "Kal'tsit-san without the chat group... I wonder how she'll look like."

Kouzuki: "Perhaps its her with the usual expression."

Kal'tsit: "Cease this at once."

After Kal'tsit expressed her stance, everyone went silent.

"Mon3tr might stab me at this rate."

Kal'tsit: "Come back quickly, Shiro."

Shiro: "Yeah."

After that, Shiro stored the chat group smartphone on his storage. It has been several hours since he eliminated an outer god and regained his authority over the moon. Right now, he could be classified as a Feranmut—a god who walks on Terra.

Usually, gods are present on another high-level and complicated realm dubbed as Divine Realm. The information present in that place will be enough to overwhelm mortals and make their souls self-destruct.

Unbeknownst to such people, Shiro was none other than the one who made that disturbance in the sky, and the said person is busy eating potato chips while driving.

"This is nostalgic."

When he first woke up on Terra, Kal'tsit was the one who introduced him to this world. They had that long road trip that spanned weeks. The SUV he is driving is the exact same one that they used.

"Giving [Mysteries] as a reward makes sense."


The moment Thorns woke up, he felt the slightly bumpy road. His vision immediately cleared up before he saw Shiro.

"Good afternoon."

"Good... afternoon." Thorns replied. "Thanks for the help before."

"It's nothing much. Anyways, what was the last you've heard from Doctor and Kal'tsit?"


Seeing his vigilant look, Shiro explained.

"I might not look like it, but Kal'tsit's my friend."

"I see..."

Knowing her enigmatic personality, Thorns did not doubt his words. Even so, Shiro showed him some evidence that he is actually her friend. With that, he gained Thorns' trust.

"Doctor mentioned something about the Seaborns' rampage and Iberia's radio silence."

"Radio silence? I understand..."

Before Kal'tsit arrived, Shiro remembered her investigating an event called 'Great Silence'. It was the radio silent of an underwater country, Aegir. Coupled with his view from the Moon, he deduced many things.

"Where are we going?"

Just as Thorns asked this question, the sand cleared up. A huge silhouette of a landship revealed itself.

"To where Kal'tsit is." Shiro said. "Rhodes Island."

This marks Shiro's first (un)official visit to the Rhodes Island landship.


A/N: While this marks his visit to the parallel world, it marks our 300th chapter. That's right, three hundred fricking chapters. I am not the type to exaggerate things, but it truly feels like a major milestone. How could I have imagined that a year later, I would be writing a fic that stemmed from my frustrations. When I read some fics, I feel annoyed on why a certain character/event are not fully developed. I thought it'll be easy to do in my standpoint. Oh well, I am not completely right. Even with notes, I tend to forget about some plot points.

Anyways, it has been a ride writing and reading with everyone. Thank you for bearing with its ups and downs. All the paragraph comments, chapter comments, and reviews are well appreciated. Like what I have said from before, seeing it and expecting it are two different things. There are times when I got discouraged writing, but it was thanks to all the support I received from y'all that I am still writing it. This experiences would definitely remain with me. Who knows, maybe I'll continue being a fic writer until I graduate for another time in college?

Happy Reading Everyone~!