Chapter 305: Originum Cure


Kal'tsit coughed to gain their attention. Her previous startled look was gone.

"We could help solve your problems. Not only that, but also the one regarding originum."


This time, everyone's surprise except the two was evident.

"You... You already developed a cure to originum..?" The other Kal'tsit asked.

"I did. It was difficult to analyze even with my abilities."

Originum is a high-level energy source in Terra. It could empower these nomadic cities without a hitch. Its only downside is Oripathy—the said energy particles entering one's body and harming it. Once it reaches a critical state, it crystallizes an organic body, effectively killing someone.

"Originum is a high-level energy belonging to the world. It was supposed to be something of help to Terra." Kal'tsit said. "You two must know that civilization as well as Sarkaz's origins."


"I forgot you have amnesia." Kal'tsit remarked. "The civilization where you came from."


She pointed out to Shiro.

"He's just like you, a human. He doesn't have any features of the Ancients."

"Come to think of it... he didn't have any tails nor horns."

"Amiya. Rosmontis. Can you leave us for a moment?"

At this time, the other Kal'tsit asked the two kids to leave. What they are about to discuss is something of utmost confidentiality.

"I understand."

Amiya looked curious to their talks. The same went for Rosmontis. But, the two of them knew that it is a huge secret. They left the room as they were asked to.

"Originum... Does it have something to do with the gods?"

The other Kal'tsit was serious as she asked her suspicion.

"Yes. It is related to the ones beyond the sky."

Originally, originum was something the ancient civilization of humans could use freely to resist the outer gods' invasion. However, the outer gods did a maneuver they did not expect. They corrupted the possibility left by Terra, turning it into the harmful originum. Their gods are quick to react, but they could not completely remove the corruption.

As a result, originum turned into something useful and harmful at the same time.

Due to their war, they had no choice but to use it, just as how a man would drink poison to quench his thirst. Though, their sights are far-fetched to know of its harmful effect to the future. Thus, they made the cleaners that could effectively devour originum—

"Seaborns. They are the means left to purify originum."


Doctor fell silent as he processed these information.

"...What about the Sarkaz?" He asked.

"They are the civilization that replaced yours. They are born with the ability to handle originum with greater ease. In fact, it is resulted by genetic engineering."

Out of all ancient races, the Sarkaz has the greatest resistance to originum. It is for this reason that there are many strong Arts user within them.

"In the end, other gods invaded Terra and brought changes."

Just as Sarkaz was the sole race, the gods came. They are different from the outer gods, hence the barrier did not affect them. One of them are the one responsible for a group of Sarkaz splitting off. Their horns are replaced with halos, turning them into what are known as "Sankta".

Other ancients also sprouted during this time. This is the cause behind the vast number of races in Terra.

"So... What Amiya heard about them are true? That Sarkaz is the race that experienced injustice the most?"

"...It is."

Doctor let out a deep exhale with these revelations. The other Kal'tsit never expected for this day to come sooner as well.

"Why did you mention the Sarkaz here?"

Hearing this, Kal'tsit replied:

"The answer lied in them. Their greater resistance in originum... it was the answer."

"Their resistance..?"

Dozens of studies conducted by people (including herself) came up.

"There was nothing different with them except their biological construction."

The other Kal'tsit is confused at this point.

"Feranmuts has immunity towards Oripathy."

"Feranmut... The gods?!"

An extremely heretical idea. This came up from her mind a couple of times, but it did not work. She had a few of her Feranmut acquaintances give her their blood samples, but it could not affect the oripathy inside a lifeform. Kal'tsit was only the special case as she could perfectly resist Oripathy with her body.

"Their life level balances it out." Kal'tsit declared. "If their body is strong enough to reign it in, that serves as the cure."

She took out a syringe containing golden liquid. It was something she bought from the shop which costed her 10,000 Points.

[Oripathy Cure (SR)]

Details: This substance regulates the spread of originum inside blood and cells. Its effect disappears when the body could handle everything by itself. Take note that the Infected would receive the benefits of Oripathy without any disadvantages.

After she analyzed its components with [Great Sage], she could replicate it with enough materials.

"It already worked on someone."

"...I see."

In Terra, there are many Infecteds that would not hesitate to jump into the so-called cure. Of course, she confirmed that it was the cure with animal testing before testing it to someone.

The end result was her oripathy being healed. She also developed talent in [Arts] and was recruited to Babel.

"The cure..."

Doctor felt complicated upon seeing the syringe. The greatest goal of Rhodes Island was to develop a cure. Unexpectedly, Kal'tsit from another parallel world did it first.

"Though, you need to ask him to become the supplier."

She pointed out to Shiro who's leisurely humming a tune. His riches are already vast with his previous treasuries from the past. There's still his millions of Points that made him the wealthiest chat group member ever.

"I won't ask for much money. No worries!"

The agreement beyond the barriers of worlds began.


"Are you sure you don't want me to meddle into the Seaborn affair right away?"

"It should be enough."

As soon as they returned to their Terra, Shiro expressed his confusion.

"The sanctuaries and weapons... They need to grow."

Before leaving, Shiro gave some crystals—condensed form of his power—that turns its surroundings into an inviolable sanctuary. The same went for Rhodes Island's weapons.

"There are many threats beyond Seaborns."

"True. There would be times we are not present there."

Everything boiled down to the fact that it is better to teach someone fish. It is their world, not Kal'tsit's. It is also hard to handle two worlds at the same time. Cooperation would be the best answer for Kal'tsit to handle two worlds. If the time comes it is endangered, she could ask for the chat group's help.

"Inform me first if you need help. It won't be difficult to deal with it."


Moments later, Kal'tsit disappeared. She utilized a wide-scale teleportation spell instantly with [Great Sage]'s help.

"I also need to return."

An aurora curtain spawned in front before it engulfed him. A second later, he found himself on the company headquarters.

"You're finally back."

"It took quite a long time to settle everything."

Cardinal put down her book and went for a hug. Shiro responded with a headpat, which she liked very much.

'The other girls...'

Suddenly, he thought of a problem. There are other women—all of which had expressed their love to him—aside from his girlfriend and wives. Most of them are with him when he lost his memories, but there are also others like Altair who is connected with him through a specific circumstance.

'I need to deal with this soon.'

He had a feeling something bad would happen if he doesn't do so.

"The clone you left disappeared."

"Disappeared? When?"

Cardinal buried her face further to his chest.

"You said you are going to confirm something. It has been days since then."

"I am still here..."

Under his comforting words, she separated herself from him.

"What happened during your mission? It took you so long..."

"It's a long story."