Chapter 308: A Problem Within Shadow Realm

"Romani... He worked really hard over the past year."

Shiro thought this magical girl school was something like a side-project for Romani. After all, he's already pre-occupied with the Panhuman History's crises. Seeing the school himself made him realize he was wrong.

Romani poured in his hard work to actualize this institution for magical girls.

"Kouzuki and Cardinal also helped, huh?"

Due to the nature of AIs, they could easily multitask. Kouzuki just had to install a "program" of herself to multitask while Cardinal brings some of the managers every now and then. The other chat group members are also guest teachers. While they could not dedicate most of their time, they could also bring in others from their world to teach.

With the help of more than a dozen worlds, the teacher roles are fulfilled. As for the miscellaneous ones, they are easily solved by AIs.

"I will invite Shirou sometimes here."

Knowing him, he would remember his magical girl sister.

As he strolled the school, he earned many gazes. His matching white overcoat and hair made him stand out. Even amongst the variety of teachers this school had, he stood out.

"Is he a new teacher?"

"Maybe? The headmaster invited many people to become one."

"Another worlds... I want to visit one."

In Madoka's world, there are many life planets aside form Earth that has magical girls. They are the ones planned to be included by Romani in the [Phase 3] of his plan. Along the arrival of many teachers, it was easily revealed they belonged to other worlds. This came as a surprise, yes, but the safety mechanisms placed by Romani kept this secret tightly.

Shiro suddenly remembered of the sleeping girl in his arm. He touched the inactive [Tail Gear] beneath his coat.

"She should wake up soon."

His powers dictated this outcome.

As he viewed the interior of the school, he found out how Romani did not hold back. The infrastructures were all finished within half a year. It is done with the help of Kouzuki's machines, magecraft, and Cardinal's assistance. Turns out, buying these materials are cheap within the [Points Store].

The design is futuristic. Hard glass were often used within the buildings. There are also silver steel that are imbued with spells to increase its durability. Other than that, the school is generally divided into many parts.

Dueling Grounds where students could fight one another.

Training Grounds that simulates an environment as well as enemies.

Magic Dome where practical classes occur.

Simply put, it is a fantasy magic school made true by their hard work.

An interesting idea flew on Shiro's mind.

"What if... I store some of my contingencies here?"

Contingencies meant his spare UR-items. It would just rot as he has many of them. Some other UR skills are also sealed to prepare for the future. For short, he is planning to hide his treasures somewhere, hoping it could reach that future.

"[Nameless Book of Spells] should do."

Of course, he is planning to gift every present chat group member with a UR-rated reward. He could just use his [God-level Spins] to have a higher rate of acquiring UR items, too. Each ten times draw cost 100,000 Points, but he currently has millions of Points. His max-level Luck was the only loophole found within the chat group's system.

"Excuse me. Are you lost?"

"Not really."

"Is that so?"

Shiro faced the pink-haired girl.

"Are you a visitor, then?"

"Something like that."

Satomi Touka felt curious. Just now, she had a feeling that she saw him somewhere. She usually does not forget most of the things she sees. That is why the current situation is confusing. She does not know about this man, yet he has a strong impression within her.

"Do you want to ask something?"

Sensing her feelings, Shiro reached out.

"Did we already meet?"

"Hm... Perhaps?"

He flashed a teasing smile to the girl. Briefly, her mind blanked out. His charisma still exists. On the off chance he became a teacher, he would definitely be a favorite.

Ding-! Dong-!

The school bell rang. It indicated the end of their lunch break.

"Good luck on your studies."

He waved his hand before leaving.

"He... Who is he?"


"Hm... Let's be creative."

Shiro chose a random book from his treasuries.

"[Fire Magic Essentials]... This should catch the attention of some students."

After slipping in the book to a bookshelf, he applied certain effects to it. That included the criteria for choosing the target to be summoned forth inside. At the very least, they should not be evil.

"Construction of a sub-space... done."

He placed the [Nameless Book of Spells], a World Item belonging to a certain world, inside it. The item was destined to be acquired by the person who fits in the criteria as well as is clever enough to solve the puzzles inside.

All of these were done in less than a second.

"I guess I'll meet Romani now."

The aurora curtain engulfed him. Moments later, he found himself on the headmaster's office. Romani is signing some papers while heaving deep sighs now and then.

"How was the school?" He stopped signing and placed the pen on top of the desk.

"I could feel your sleepless nights."

"Those are worth it. Just like Chaldea, these children needed help."

When Romani turned into a 'human', he regained his emotions. Those were once sealed for him to become the perfect king. This way, he managed to feel sympathy, sadness, despair, and so on. Even if he is busy managing Chaldea, he could not bear to leave this world behind.

It has to be changed in some way.

Thus, he came up with the idea which was then accepted by every single chat group member. They all agreed to help him. It showed how these members has good dispositions.

To the chat group, there is no use in recruiting villains are are purely evil. If it did invite them, they would have brought the apocalyptic future forward.

"Isn't the Law of Cycles enough?"

"To some extent." Romani replied. "Even if it offered protection, it does not suffice on the long run."

"I suppose."

Seeing the aftermath of the world he once changed made him feel something. Fulfillment, perhaps?

As someone who saw the original fate of this world, the current view he saw is a far cry. In some ways, it is similar on that time he saved his world.

'Is this why these worlds are worth saving?'

Shiro came to that realization.

'All the reason I open up a new future.'

"I will help in your workload. My power is perfectly compatible with that."

"Thanks. I could finally have some breathing time."

"You're about to face Goetia?"

"We are. The coordinates to my former temple was already found."

One of Romani's major requests to the chat group is assistance when it comes to the fight against Goetia. The latter could not perceive the time of worlds outside theirs. Moreover, it has already been shown that his [Clairvoyance] could be defeated by Ritsuka. Though, Romani wanted to be certain than sorry.

"When will it happen?"

"Around three days in terms of Chaldea's time. I will just mention it to the chat."

"Alright." Shiro thought of his two students. "What about Mami and Sayaka?"

"They are introduced to the first-years as transfer students."

"I guess they like this place."

For the two magical girls who did not have friends of similar interests, this school is a paradise.

"I see."

[Private] Kuroneko: "Shiro! I require your presence!"

Suddenly, Kuroneko messaged him.

[Private] Shiro: "What's the matter?"

[Private] Kuroneko: "I completely forgot about it! I was only reminded after that mission!"

[Private] Shiro: "What is it?"

[Private] Kuroneko: "Well... There's an ACG convention today. I am supposed to visit my manga's booth. The thing is... I declared I already have a boyfriend."

[Private] Shiro: "..."

[Private] Shiro: "Let me guess. You will ask me to pretend as your boyfriend?"

[Private] Kuroneko: "As expected of you!"

[Private] Kuroneko: "That's right."


'But it's also fine to be a real one...'

Igris readied himself as he saw his liege chatting with another person (presumed to be a guy). He prepared the box of tissues and potions inside the Shadow Realm. He does not want the previous incident to repeat itself.

Kuroneko bit her thumb as she intensely watched her phone. She might wear her chuunibyou mask outside, but she does not bother to do so when she's alone. It has been a few months since her breakup. Admittedly, she bears some 'grudge' to Kyousuke who chose his sister instead of her. She held that sliver of hope it would not happen, yet it did.

Interacting with those two were no longer as awkward as before, more so when Saori is present. The three of them does not want their relationship to end just like that. Fortunately, everything worked out.

[Private] Shiro: "I will help. It's not that big of a deal."

[Private] Shiro: "Though, aren't cliches like this the one you hate the most?"

"Nope! I will forgive them for now!"

Kuroneko muttered with bright red ears.

Seeing this, Igris relayed what he saw to the shadows inside the realm.

"Kru?" (What kind of ailment did her majesty suffer?)

"Kru!" (We need to help her immediately!)


Another one of the shadows, Beru, berated the orc shamans.

"It's not an ailment!"

"There is still—"

"It's a curse!"

""Kru?!"" (What?!)

"—I take back my words."

Bellion, the commander of the Shadow Army, sighed.

"Was it a guy?" He asked towards Igris, in which the latter nodded.

"I see."

Ashborne was someone who did not have any romantic relationships. Even so, Bellion has enough common sense than the rest of the shadows.

"Her majesty must have fallen in love."

Igris felt gratified that there's someone like Bellion inside the Shadow Realm. He is not the only shadow that possessed enough common sense regarding the mortal world.

"We need to see the guy immediately."

Memories of Kuroneko's first breakup were shared with him, the highest-ranking shadow.

"If he is similar to the guy from before... I shall personally see to it."

His response sent Igris into exhasperation.

'There's no use. Everyone here does not know the humans' world.'