Chapter 312: Aren’t These Guesses Too Accurate..?

Another Librarian: "I understand. The chat group's purpose is to help other worlds."

Lelouch: "That is the general trend."

Seol: "There are other missions at hand that are random, though."

Another Librarian: "Random?"

Seol: "Yes. In my case, we went on a treasure hunt. We managed to get quite a few valuable treasures, but that was it."

Shinji: "Just a few? You snagged a divine spear that contained a divinity."

Seol: "I concede. But, the mission was completely random. Usually, it benefited its world or something."

Each of the chat group missions were designed to benefit the world itself. Clearing Aincrad helped more people survive. Establishing Madoka's wish put her world back in order. Preventing the destructions of both real and story worlds in Altair's world are self-explanatory.

Soldier Princess: "Butterflies. That mission must have intervened to affect something in the future."

Another Librarian: "If that happens to be true, the chat group is much than I have imagined."

If there was something that could read every worlds' futures and intervene, one could only marvel at it.

Seol: "!!!"

Lelouch: "That's one of the possibilities that could be looked into."

Seol: "You have a guess like that?!"

Lelouch: "You didn't ask."

Seol: "..."

Shinji: "We have to use our brains instead of just crazy trainings, Seol."

Seol: "..."

[Another Librarian cleared her nickname.]

[Soldier Princess cleared her nickname.]

"They're starting to be active already."

Shiro muttered while he cooked for their breakfast. He spent the night in Kuroneko's world. He went into her house to check on her when he arrived whilst she was cooking. Hence, he took over her job.

Altair: "Where are you, Shiro?"

Altair: "Wrong sent."

The chat group's content crackled. Moments later, it showed a surprising line.

Altair: "[Altair had unsent a message.]"

Romani: "?!?!"

Seol: "?!"

Shinji: "???"

Kouzuki: "How?"

Kal'tsit: "+1"

Ghost: "..."

Romani: "How did you do that, Altair-san?"

Altair: "Special privileges."

As a Beyond Creator, she easily manipulated the contents of the chat group. It wasn't that big of a change, thus the chat group let it be. Compared to stealing UR-rated rewards, it is infinite times better.

[Private] Shiro: "I'll be off in a while. You are about to come here, right?"

[Private] Altair: "You knew. The time difference is about a few dozen times... You are in a normal world?"

[Private] Shiro: "Yup. It's a world of someone you know."

[Private] Altair: "Let me guess..."

[Private] Altair: "Kuroneko?"


A woman's sixth sense becomes terrifying once the said person is a Beyond Creator. She is no longer in the confines of anything, surpassing everything save for one thing. She could view reality like a book.

[Private] Altair: "I'll come later."

[Private] Shiro: "Alright."

"Setsuna-san is coming?"

"You already guessed it."

Knowing who Altair was, it came off unsurprising that Altair is also interested to him.

"Come to think of it... Cardinal, Altera, and Castoria is currently gathered on one place."

"I want to meet them."

Kuroneko's determination couldn't be stopped by just that.

"I'll bring you later."

"Alright..." She replied. "Oh..! You might have not accounted one thing..."

"What is..." Shiro realized something. "Nevermind. It should be alright."

"The cliche in anime is different, you know?"

A good example was Seol's future. He is destined to have a harem. However, he went through many ups and downs—his lovers fighting. It took them years before they smoothened over their relationship. In that regard, Shiro is superior. It took him thousands of years to do the same.

"That's true... Gods really are different." Kuroneko muttered. "But I prefer this life more."

While they were talking, Shiro felt the sudden formation of a link. It is one that originated from his [Moon] authorities on Terra.

'This is...'

Due to his two authorities, some people who received his blessing 'dreamt' of that parallel world.


One of them is Rosmontis. She is currently with the managers on their branch office in Leithanien. Her will to 'intervene' on her 'dreams' is especially strong. More so, he felt trouble brewing over this world.

"Strea? Well..."

[Private] Shiro: "Strea wants to go to another world."

[Private] Cardinal: "Is it dangerous?"

[Private] Shiro: "No. they only need to assist in dealing a civil war."

[Private] Shiro: [Sent an Attachment.]

[Private] Shiro: "Can you send it to Kumo?"

[Private] Cardinal: "Yes. Also, remind Strea to not cause troubles. She might listen to you more."

[Private] Shiro: "I will."

Shiro switched to another chat window.

[Private] Shiro: "There's trouble in the parallel world."

[Private] Kal'tsit: "I know. Theresis made his move already."

[Private] Shiro: "Strea, Rosmontis, and Kumo will be visiting that world. They should be enough."

[Private] Kal'tsit: "I will still visit it myself to make sure."

A system window appeared in his sight. It is very active now that he reached the creator realm—the peak of it, at that. This [Subordinate Management System] was based on his [Hero Management System] as Shiro.

[Will of the Follower "Rosmontis" accepted.]

[Begin world transfer?]

"Limit it for three days."

[Restriction added. Beginning transfer...]

This event made him recall his students.

"They should be fine... Kazuma is extremely troublesome, but Seiya could handle him."

The Youngest Student, "Satou Kazuma".

The Overcautious Student, "Ryuuguin Seiya".

The former is the most recent student of Shiro's. He taught him through a modified player system that doubled as a skill board. He is the most troublesome out of all his students. Though, it is undeniable that his journey is very interesting.

As for the latter, he is the student that took his mantle perfectly. His character is a spitting image of how Shiro acted during his time as [Magus]. Before he came to his 'second round', he went into Shiro's training space first. When he was fully summoned by a goddess, he acquired the skills to survive into another world.

It is important to take note that he also spent his time training in the goddess' training space.

"Hm... They're not included in my future memories. I need to check on them."

Who knows, maybe Kazuma died and restarted his otherworlder life once more?



A brown-haired boy shouted in frustration.

"How am I this unlucky?!"

"Shut up! You're too damn noisy!"

"What's wrong with you?!"

One of the kids jabbed at him. in annoyance.


He swiftly reacted by blocking it with his fist. He did not spare him a chance as he did a shoulder throw at him.


"Oi, oi! That's dangerous!"

His eyes scanned his surroundings.

"A modern facility..?" He mumbled. "The technological advancements here are not bad."

He thanked his luck for falling into an advanced world. He doesn't want to experience the inconveniences of a medieval era. Having a shower and modern toilets are far better than not having them.

As he examined his place, he found some common points. All of them are children not lower than seven years old. Strangely, they all possessed red eyes. A heavy aura could be felt in all of them.

Kazuma fell silent. He is very troublesome and carefree, yes, but that doesn't mean he didn't see any suffering. His time as a [Hero] in both his planet and the entire world made him see such things. It is only his nature to act like it.

He silently observed all of them. He saw the procedures undergone by them. The one that stood out the most was the injections they had to take.

"What's this for? There's too many unknowns..!"

How he wished to have Megumin, Aqua, or Darkness by his side.

"Argh... Damn it!"

Kazuma's gaze clashed with the kid he initiated self-defense from. The latter was quick to avert his eyes.


"W-what is it..?"

"Where are we?"

"H-huh?! Are you kidding?!"

"Just answer me."

His strange behavior was overlooked by the 'boy'.

"A facility for cursed children."

"Cursed... children..?"

"What... Did you hit yourself in the head?"

"...Tell me what it means."

"Seriously..?" The 'boy' looked at Kazuma and saw he was really serious about it. "We cursed children are the ones forsaken by humanity. We have a part of the Gastrea inside us."

'Forsaken? Gastrea?'

The ;boy' then sent a pitying look at Kazuma's confused face. The latter didn't know his special identity that he holds in this base.

"Being the sole anomaly doesn't help..."

Thus the curtain to Kazuma's otherworldly adventures opens once more.


"Young misses, I am entrusted your safety. Please don't leave my sight."

As usual, the white-haired woman—Kumo—wore her black butler outfit.

"Noted. We aren't going anywhere. Right, Rosmontis?"


Strea is currently energetic. There are only few chances she could show off her 'older sister' side to others.

"The sky looks the same."

"Yeah. What was it again... Ku... Quan... Kenta..."

"Quantum Mechanics. The Many-World-Theory explains the existence of parallel universes. There wouldn't be any drastic differences since this place is one of it."

Kumo skillfully explained their current location through the information on her database.

"Owh... I am close enough!"

"You are not, Miss Strea."


"This is it... The place in my dreams?"

"Right, Shiro! He sent us here."

A voice entered her mind moments before they came here. Strea conversed with Shiro through it, which landed them to this situation.

"Miss Cardinal mentioned some problems. We need to solve one of them." Kumo stated.

"What is it?"

"A civil war."

Due to the support of a Feranmut, Theresis' side started moving. He wanted to become the leader of all Sarkaz. To do that, he had to "take" it away from Amiya, the appointed leader of Theresa before her death. He had the information advantage due to him procuring Theresa's body and reviving it. While her remnant memories are incomplete, that was enough to see through the majority of their plans.

Most importantly, Theresis is confident enough he would be supported by the dead Sarkaz. They wanted revenge against the "betrayers" the most. He is willing to give it to them.


A wave of Seaborns formed from the distance. There aren't any nearby cities where they landed.

"Those entities... They are dangerous."

"Wait a minute. Where was the car again..?"

Cardinal scanned her messy storage.

"There's no need, Sister Strea."

A void box appeared in Rosmontis' hands. Black particles flew out of it. Soon, it formed a military humvee.

"I learned it from my training."

"Amazing... Why do I feel like I am the unreliable one here..?"

"Don't degrade yourself, Miss Strea. Your talents comes in handy later."

Strea did not understand Kumo's declaration. Most of the time, she used her diplomatic movements... which is a physical beatdown of her adversary.

"I will drive it, Miss Rosmontis."

"Thank you, Sister Kumo."

"It's not a big deal."

Unbeknownst to Rhodes Island, another storm is coming.