Chapter 325: Disappearance

The Root is a well-known concept that originated from Shinji's world, [Fate World]. It is said to be the source of everything; that one would reach unattainable heights when contacted to its swirl. Gaia and Alaya tend to guard the entrance to it closely to 'control' the number of 'Magicians' in their world.

Although it was closely guarded, some still went through it.

[Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg], the wielder of [Second True Magic—Kaleidoscope].

[Aoko Aozaki], the wielder of [Fifth True Magic—The Blue].

They were the ones who got past the counter guardian set by the two [Wills]. As a result, they gained power transcending reality itself. Nevertheless, what they gained are merely a part of it.

"It has occurred."

Zelretch stood up from his seat and overlooked the Clocktower. His sight caught of Rin and Shirou. They studied at this place after the events of the Fifth Grail War.

"Even teacher is entangled." He 'viewed' the memories sent by his parallel self. "Who knew there could be something terrifying than [The Spider]..?"

For a magician, he knew the full capabilities of The Root. It was supposed to be something without any consciousness; it lacks the 'identity' to make decisions.

'A corrupted Root. It's aim is far worse than what The Spider could bring.'

Zelretch wandered around than thought. He tapped his cane a few times. While he was busy doing so, someone else had arrived.

"I suppose you felt that too."

A red-haired woman walked in a carefree manner.

"So, what happened?"

Zelretch saw his fellow magician place some bags containing souvenirs in his desk.

"It happened in a parallel world. The one where Lev Lainur couldn't stop himself."

"It's that one, then."

The magician, Aoko Aozaki, turned serious at the thought of her good friend. In this world, Lev was able to kill himself to prevent the events of Human Order Incineration from happening. At the same time, Chaldea wasn't established. Still, she knew about the existence of that world that Alaya and Gaia gave up.

"Teacher told me that they'll settle some matter in that place. In the end, things turned out like this."

"You're still calm though?"

Zelretch recalled the man's words.

"If I cause something bad in the future, I'll take care of it. If it's still out, I'm dead by then."

Granted, he only met Shiro twice, but the power he possesses gave his words a certain weight. Coupled by Romani's words, Zelretch is certain that he would fulfill his words.


The two magicians silently 'watched' for some absurd changes.


"Corrupted Root..?" Kuroneko was astounded by that revelation. "Was that from Shiro's past?!"

It was not just her. The ones who knew Shiro reacted to Meteora's findings. They knew that Meteora focused more on the 'dismantling' of Temple of Time before, hence they knew her 'knowledge' capabilities.


Shiro fell silent for a moment. That was the only thing he kept secret from everyone. Not only would its 'acknowledgement' bring them potential trouble from 'The Root' itself, they might be able to 'discern' the forgotten future.

As evident to her guesses, Kal'tsit looked at him strongly.

"Let's talk later."

Her words resounded in every direction. It is aimed to both Shiro's friends and lovers.

"For now—!"


Determining they wouldn't come at him, Shiro (past) crashed head-on to Shiro. The latter enacted a defense centered around Madoka's [Garden of Avalon]. She also enforced it with the [Tail Caliburn], achieving the same effect as Romani's magecraft.

(A/N: The invisible wall that Goetia did a 'Senator Armstrong'.)


The loosened shackles binded Shiro (past) firmly. They prevented him from raising his black sword once again. However, they began exhibited small cracks.

'This won't work.'

Many thoughts flew in Shiro's mind. It is commendable that everyone performed well during their first fight against a , but it'll prove to be difficult to completely eliminate one.

Unfortunately, they have to do that thing to resolve everything. Against a berserk Shiro (past), they would require more than this.


At this moment, a gigantic halberd fell from the sky. Turns out, it was Kouzuki's [Overlord Mech] in action. It embodied a similar 'destructive' nature as Shiro's.

"Do you have any ideas?" Romani went to Shiro's side. "You're actually this strong before... No wonder you could handle your wives well."

Shiro deadpanned at Romani's comments. The current appearance akin to a goddess blankly stared at him.

'Wait a minute..?'




A brilliant idea came to her mind.

'All of them became a ..!'

Just as Shiro became a bit more enthusiastic, her past self began casting some sort of magic. The magic circles behind Shiro's (past) back lit up one by one. It began to exude an air of mystery—showing his grasp over the concept of 'magic' itself. His illimitable wisdom was shown at this moment.

"Cardinal, call the others."


"I need to prevent this one."

Shiro recognized the spell that was being cast. It is none other than the same attack he used to obliterate [Fenrir]. It is made to be strong enough to 'partly erase' a Beyond Creator to make their 'play' more believable.

In short, it is an attack of an unimaginable degree.

"I'll be back after this." Shiro declared.

After that, she flew at an extreme speed. She went past the barrier and reached the strike zone for Shiro (past). A gray fog was emitted from Shiro's eyes, manipulating time itself. At the same time, an aurora curtain was deployed.



The two superimposed powers made a hole in time. Shiro never stopped charging as she pushed Shiro (past) toward the gap. By the time the gap disappeared, the two couldn't be found anywhere.


Suddenly, Kuroneko shouted.

"No! No! No!"

She fell to her knees. Her countenance turned 'crazy' as her crimson pupils glowed brightly.


Just as Romani showed his concern, he noticed Kal'tsit's expression change as well. Her eyes widened in shock as she stood still in a daze.



Shinji clutched his head painfully.

"What is...." He blankly mumbled.

Memories came and went in his head. One moment, he would recall something. Next moment, he would forget about them. However, a memory remained in his mind.


Just as everyone thought it wouldn't get more chaotic, Madoka made a tear out of the Imaginary Number Space. Her looks are similar to the ones worn by Kuroneko, Shinji, and Kal'tsit.

"I will find sensei!"

Soon, she also disappeared. She, who was the only as of the moment, was the sole person who could track where Shiro went.

"What is happening, Kal'tsit?" Romani asked.

Shockingly, Kal'tsit concentrated too much that she couldn't hear Romani's words. Fortunately, Shinji came to him while heaving deep breaths.


Romani was surprised to find out that Shinji's hands are extremely cold.

"Aniki... He... No..." Shinji stopped talking for a moment to reorganize his words. "I remembered something from the future. Do you remember how we called our 'future' selves to stand a chance against Setsuna-san?"


"We came to know about certain memories. We forgot it after we came to our senses but... I remembered something."

Amidst the confusion, Shinji continued:

"Today is the day aniki disappeared."