Chapter 327: Definitely A Cliffhanger

A vast infinite space. Its boundaries couldn't be found as it contained the mysteries of this world.

"A high dimension..."

I came here knowing this place could better handle the fight. As expected, I am not mistaken about it. The only thing I need to do is to use it as a spring board towards the origin world of [All Fiction]. There might be someone willing to help me out of this mess.

At the same time, I placed a beacon. It should tell others of my current location. My wives are all . If they arrive, we could conclude everything.


My past self's power emanated, apprehending the 'imaginary' power I was forcing him into. [All Fiction] has the same nature as Touka's [Tyrant Eye] that overwrites reality itself. The amount of power that slipped from his surveillance completely repaired [Chain of Heavens]. Not only that, I was able to recall Romani's [Void Archives] and Touka's chains. He is now bound with triple-layered suppression.


I no longer suppressed the damage to our surroundings. My strength worked to its full capacity once more. Moments later, our surroundings showed signs of 'erasure'. 

Surprisingly, layers upon layers of reality was added to mend the damage.

"Magic god..."

Though I also bear that title, I am different from the Magic Gods in this world. They have certain flaws that could only be made up. Of course, there are also complete magic gods such as the one who interfered just now.

"I'll comply for now."

Without wasting the given opportunity, I started doing what I have planned. One of them is attracting my wives' attention, but the other thing is to enlist the help of a future chat group member.

Unexpectedly, a phantom of The Swirl of The Root appeared behind my past self's back. All three chains that bound him shattered. Nothing is higher than The Root's strength despite its corruption.

The high dimension began breaking down. This time, even the additional layers of reality couldn't mend it.

"Just what the hell is happening?!"

I heard a girl's voice. She must be the magic god just now.


"What will your apology do, huh?"

"I'll pay up later."

From here, I saw her appearance. She is a blonde girl that wore an eyepatch. She reminded me of Touka's little sister, but she is more 'mature'. That's how I would put it.

"For now, I would appreciate your help."

"You better uphold your words."

I knew why she responded 'positively'. First, I came from another world. That was something I learned from [Imagine Breaker]. Second, I made my [Wisdom] authority evident. It showed how I am a 'magic god' of another world.

Of course, I hid [Imagine Breaker] from her. The power of [The Root] is able to do all things.

"Good. If I..."

Suddenly, a strange sensation swept over me. Chills were sent all over my body. It is no longer a physical matter altogether but metaphysical one. 

Is it...

No doubt.

"A premonition."

From the beginning of this fight, I felt more suffocated. It worsened right now, when I could fight my past self on equal grounds. Thinking of it again, why would my past self be in the present?

At first, I thought it was a paradox; an event I had to accomplish. To resolve the matters of past, I have to conclude everything in the present. however, was that simply it?

My instincts began telling me 'no' during the fight on the [Dimensional Gap].

'The inevitable.'

"...ith you?"


I manifested the black sword in full power. The same went for . The world felt more 'bizarre' than ever. A huge distinction appeared between myself and the world.

"What are you..?" The girl named Othinus asked.

[All Fiction].

A dimensional reduction strike occurred. This power sought to reduce my past self's existence to a lower level whilst creating replicas of my black sword. An image of [Black Barrel] appeared on my hand and shot at it.


When the bullet and swords came at him, they simply disappeared. They were erased from this world like an eraser. If the world is a paper and I am the pencil, he is an eraser.

Everything was reduced as such. Even the magic god beside me was affected.

"What is..."

Just then, I sensed something. 


The barrier of time broke down. No, rather, it disappeared. When I pushed the enhanced with to the maximum, I managed to go beyond the barrier's reach. It's like climbing over a wall and seeing the view beyond it.

With that, I knew everything. I learned about the future I forgot under its influence. From my destined end until the current situation in the future, I discovered them all.

I ceased my current plans. Covering the infinite distance of this world with my power, the destruction of this dimension halted. 

Under Othinus' astonished gaze, I pulled out every single UR and SSR-rated rewards that I haven't integrated to myself. [All Fiction] and [Imagine Breaker] is something I will require now and in the future, but the rest of my artifacts could be given away. That included [Neo Decadriver] which is destined to be on Ritsuka Fujimaru's care.

A split second later, I managed to send countless clones according to my plan. These should solve the deficit in numbers of in the future.

I took out a tome of spells and handed it over to the blonde girl. I knew her future as a . One reason why she became one is due to this assistance. I am letting everything play out just like what I saw.

"This should vouch for everything." I said. "I'm sorry for the trouble we have caused."


Without waiting for her reply, I walked towards my past self. He is standing still, as if waiting for me to come.

Many thoughts ran down my head.

I saw the future. I knew the outcome of our fight... rather, the original outcome of it. I came to Haruhi Suzumiya in an attempt to ask for assistance, but The Corrupted Root blew up in this world. After that, I disappeared. The 'darkness' which engulfed the future appeared as well.

In the original timeline, I was caught off guard. My past self used it to transfer me somewhere. However, both he and I knew about it. Hence, the tranquil moment right now.

"Stop using my body."



He couldn't speak but I perfectly understood his intent.


I merely nodded. I continued walking to him.

I compiled my main weapons.

[Imagine Breaker] that 'denies' the bad endings.

[Mysteries] that lay out the events occurring in all worlds.

[All Fiction] that reduces someone to a chunk of text.

[Destruction] to forcefully pave a new path to the future.

Lastly, [Wisdom] to utilize the powers above efficiently.

When combined with [The Root], their potentials become limitless. They could be used to affect the entirety of reality itself, not just a world. That is the standing that belongs to the 'absolute' of this world—the 'highest' power that exists. It is already terrifying after amplifying these powers infinitely.

Now, that power turned against reality—

"Why did this responsibility fall to my shoulders?"

—and I was the chosen one to represent the opposite side.

From the beginning, the portion of [The Root] inside me was no accident. It was destined to fall into me. It is the main cause why I got split into two—and why I became stronger after being the complete Shiro.

It wasn't corrupted in any way. It represented [The Root]'s will as opposed to its former self. If "I" was chosen to contain [The Root]'s former self that advocated [Stability] and [Order], the radical portion became the one that advocated [Destruction] and [Recreation].

It no longer wanted to watch from the sidelines. It wanted to participate to reality itself. It wanted to join in the adventures itself. To do that, [Destruction] and [Recreation] was necessary. The current reality was created in accordance to its [Non-interference]. It needs to do a 'factory reset' before it disappears.

Enough of this.




I stopped one meter in front of him. I looked at its 'eyes' before speaking:

"Shall we begin?"



With that, the black-blue sphere devoured us both before disappearing.


It's a pity to keep it hanging, no?


A/N: It's official. MC breaks the fourth wall when he broke the power system to tatters. Jokes aside, do look out for the next chapters. There'll be more sufficient explanation there.

Happy Reading~!