2nd Year Ends

It was very easy for Ronin Dreadborne and Cermin Drychspiel to get along that some would even say it was a perfect match.

Despite their large difference in background, and all the troubles Cermin had when it comes to friendship.....

He somehow immediately found a new one, sitting beside him at the Banquet Palace during lunch.

He never looked so at ease with anyone as he had with the Coal Commoner, who just stayed quiet for most of the time, only giving remarks here and there.

Yet the cheery Cermin Drychspiel never found his presence boring.

In fact, he felt more comfortable having someone just let him speak. And Ronin never misunderstood him, not even once.

It was like he knew what was exactly on his mind.

Ronin did not act needy towards him as well. He may be the one who approached Cermin, but he was so laidback with how they interacted that it felt like it was Cermin who befriended him.

And perhaps, that is the case.