Heartstone Glass

Edelweiss had noticed Calla Lily to be deep in thought in her office as an Apprentice for the Theatrics class.

"Person in a light path..... He mumbles crime, but what crime?"

She knocked on the wooden door to gain her attention.

"Am I interrupting something important? You have been mumbling to yourself more frequently." She said.

"Oh. Edel, I didn't notice you....." She said, a little quieter than usual. "What brings you here?"

"I was..... Planning to have you test my Heartstone Glass and gain fedback, do a bit of field research and trials.... but if it's too much with all the work you have to handle as an apprentice, I can find something else----"

"No, no. Lily would be happy to test Edel's glasses." She said, smiling sweetly at her friend.

When in Lily mode, she has a habit of speaking to Edelweiss in third person. Only to Edelweiss though, and to no one else.