Ronin's Last Science Exhibition

The new Science Exhibition has begun, and the four girl friends were still downcast.

"Are you really sure you still want to go here, Edelweiss?" Professor Calla Lily Naehmnaid asked, holding her friend's hand tightly.

"Yes..... I want to support my other fellow Academian's scientific endeavors. And besides, I could start from scratch again and try to gain an investor until then..... Though it would be difficult to convince them without a prototype."

Calla nodded. "I can help. I can be quite persuasive, and I can use my Mage Focus to simulate what the Heartstone Glass was like."

Marigold frowned. "I'm still sorry about what happened. I really wish it had not ended like that."

Don, in the meantime, noticed something at his peripherals.

"Don? Is there something wrong?" Marigold asked.

"Nothing..... I just thought....."

He scanned the crowd of people again, surrounded by different machineries and exhibits of technology.