Girls and Alcohol

They were led to the town of Sodomia, the land complete opposite of the posh and pristine Elysia.

The houses were dilapidated and shouts can be heard everywhere. There were also many sick and malnourished Commoners begging on the streets.

Cermin went to hand them some coins, but Ronin grabbed his hand. "Don't, Your Highness. They have money, look at their shoes. It's all an act until they aim a knife at your throat."

The prince only then realized the crooked grin and the hidden snickers that some of the beggars had, and how must of them kept their hands behind their backs or in their pockets.

And they really do have good shoes, just dirty. Some even looked brand new and from fine material.

"Your friend is smart. He can live and survive here just fine. Sodomia looks terrible, but not as bad as some places in Himmelgard." Joyful Salope explained.