Prisoner of Love

Before Cermin woke up, after stabbing the Crow Baron who was affected by his own madness spell....

Ronn stared as his face slowly became his normal one, the one with the purple hair. Because of this, he was no longer interested in tormenting him further.

Instead, he only went closer to pick him up, and lay him on the bed.

"My blood will stain this castle forever... " The man said as he was slowly losing his life with a smile. "And all because I encountered someone who's true love meant…."

"Giving death to his former friend."

"It was a mistake that you would never have expected, if that's any consolation." Ronin told him.

"Did you know that I was also kicked on the face before I became like this?" The man said, while Ronin kept his hand on his wound.

The Flame of this Daemon transferred on his palm.

Daemons were not that easy to kill, as can be noticed with Pavone and Zeuxis. But this man was dying just from a stab in the gut.