Peaceful Death

Ronin woke up a few minutes after the transfer, his broken bones mending itself and wounds closing. When he came to, he made a loud gasp before coughing vehemently.

He clutched his throat, and remembered the eldritch terror that was Pallas.

Now he knew why he felt something strange upon first seeing him. Like great distaste and also…

A feeling of betrayal?

That's strange. Perhaps there was something more about the fact that he said he 'destroyed half of Fausforus' castle'.

After all, in the Darkness of the night, there was also absolute peace. Death was called 'The Eternal Peace'.

Peace was a default state like these two other concepts. When there was no war or conflict, there was peace.

Not to mention Pallas was also callous and manipulative like him.

Ronin had encountered individuals who were like that. They were many, surprisingly.