Persecution Complex

The younger version of Councillor Rozenaur went over to Hyacinth's side. He was not wearing his usual mask of white butterflies, that's why there's no way for Ronin to recognize him.

"Why are you kneeling, Hyacinth? Did you do something wrong?" He frowned.

Ronin just came up with an alibi. "We were enacting a play. I was playing the role of a king and I was knighting him."

Zephyros Rozenaur did not pay much attention to him, because this was not his Neverland. He waited patiently for Hyacinth, offering his hand.

Hyacinth did not take it and stood up on his own. "Don't touch me."

The apparition of Rozenaur was surprised by this. "What happened, Hyacinth? You seemed upset with something….. Was it yesterday—"

"Come on, Stella." He said to the Emerald priestess. "Let's go have lunch."

Brother Rozenaur stared at the two as they left, the priestess a little confused by the way her future husband was acting.

He looked at his hand, and clenched it.