Military house

Lu Chen has been in his mother's belly for almost a month. After such a long time, the big meatball that was originally has grown a bit and began to take shape.

During this month, Lu Chen has learned some about his living environment through his conversations with people around him.

The place where he was reborn first was a military family of the Huaxia Empire in the Dragon Soul Continent. The Lu family is known as the patron saint of the Chinese Empire.

To say that their Lu family is called the patron saint of China, there is still an allusion. The China Empire was not only as big as it is now, it was almost twice as big as it is now. A thousand years ago, the then emperor Long Yuan was killed in the palace because of an enemy attack. It didn't matter if he died, because he was originally a faint king who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun, and he never took care of government affairs. The important thing is that he has only a seven-year-old son under his knees. This makes the ministers in the court anxious, and he must enter the country without a ruler.

Later, more than one minister suggested that the little prince should first ascend to the throne, and then let Prime Minister Zuo assist the little prince to manage the affairs of the court. After the little prince can manage the affairs of the court alone, Prime Minister Zuo would no longer have the power to manage the affairs of the court. At that time, Prime Minister Zuo was a more upright person in everyone's minds. With his help, the country should not be in crisis, so the ministers agreed.

But what the ministers did not expect was that Prime Minister Zuo Yang Feng was a guy with a human face and an animal heart. His upright appearance was pretending. He had already peeped at the throne. All this was planned by Prime Minister Zuo. The old emperor was also killed by him, all for the throne.

After he began to assist the little emperor, his ambitions began to show. First, he put to death some people who had always liked to fight against himself, headed by the marshal at the time, and put them dead for various crimes. Then he placed his people in the army. At the same time, he collected a lot of people in the name of the royal family. A group of masters...

When all preparations are in order, one year has passed, and now we are waiting for an opportunity. Finally, on the eighth birthday of the little emperor, Prime Minister Zuo couldn't help but start.

That night, Prime Minister Zuo replaced all the personnel for maintaining the public order of the palace with his own. Then, the ministers, all the drinks they drank were added with Sanmo Water, which is a potion that is forbidden on the mainland. Anyone who drinks it will not be able to use magic hair and grudge within two days unless you can reach the realm of the sword master or the great magister. But that's difficult to estimate because the total number of Juggernauts and Great Magisters on all continents does not exceed fifty.

Of course, this is only on the surface. As for how many "undergrounds" there are, it is not known. What Prime Minister Zuo didn't know was that a dozen or so masters at the level of Juggernaut or Grand Magister came that night. The dignity of a master is inviolable, and when they learned that someone dared to poison the wine they drank, all of them went crazy.

This frightened Yang Feng, but what he did was like an arrow from a string. Since it had been shot out, it was impossible to take it back. So although Yang Feng was a little afraid of failure, he still had no choice but to order his people to surround the palace.

Because more than a dozen Sword Saint-level characters appeared, Yang Feng's momentum was inferior. However, maybe because of San Mo Shui, those dozen Sword Saint-level characters could not perform half of their usual performance. Level. This was Yang Feng's intention. He liked to do things like taking advantage of people's danger, so he ordered his men to immediately kill all the dozen or so Saint-level masters.

The defeat of the Saint-level master suddenly changed the situation on the field, and Yang Feng, who was originally at the lower forward, became proud again. Pointing proudly to the throne, he pulled the little emperor to the ground and sat down by himself. Seeing this, some people who belonged to Yang Feng immediately knelt and shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live long live..." There were also many types of grass on the field. Go, to survive, also kneel! Such people who are still standing in the court are those who are truly sincere to the royal family.

At this time, no one noticed that the corner of his mouth that was thrown on the ground by Yang Feng just now showed a smile! That's right, just smile. Could it be that the little emperor didn't know that he was about to be killed? still is...

Just as Yang Feng proudly revealed the already-worn dragon robe, a roar came from the sky of the palace: "Bold thief, dare to steal my Chinese land and kill!"

Hearing this angry throat, the smile on the corner of the little emperor's mouth deepened. Could it be said that the roaring person would bring hope to the little emperor?

In a short while, a middle-aged man wearing a black magician robe flew down from the sky of the palace. This hand of the middle-aged man shook the hearts of everyone present, except of course the little emperor! You know, even a Saint-level master can't fly so easily in the air unless he is a wind magician, but none of the people present can sense the magic fluctuations around the middle-aged man! Then there is only one possibility, this middle-aged man has reached the legendary **** level! Thinking of this, Yang Feng couldn't help but "thump" in his heart, knowing that something was going to happen!

Sure enough, the little emperor stood up slightly and said, "Uncle Lu, you are finally here! The rest is left to you!

The middle-aged man smiled, didn't speak, and looked at Yang Feng.

When Yang Feng's eyes touched the middle-aged man's eyes, he couldn't help but shudder. Without daring to think about it, he pulled the little emperor past his neck and put a knife on his neck: "Who are you? What do you want to do?" Yang Feng said with some fear.

The middle-aged man stared at Yang Feng's face and said blankly: "It doesn't matter who I am. What is important is that what you are doing now has violated my principles, you have to die!"

As soon as the word "death" was uttered, Yang Feng almost dropped the knife in his hand to the ground in fright. Although he didn't, his face had become pale and weak, like that vampire! After a while, Yang Feng's face turned very sassy. He looked at the face of the middle-aged man and said sternly: "Really! Haha! If you don't let us leave today, then I'm sorry, our cute little ones The emperor probably won't see the sun tomorrow!" After speaking, he also scratched the little emperor's face with a knife.

When the middle-aged man heard it, he laughed loudly: "It's up to you? Haha! Who do you think you are! I don't take any urine and take pictures of his morals. It's laughing at me!" After speaking, he stretched out his hand. , He sucked Yang Feng and the little emperor into his hand and then flew out with a "swish"...

No one knows what happened next. Anyway, after the little emperor and the middle-aged man came back, he heard the little emperor announce that the middle-aged man was the protector of the country, and the protector would assist the little emperor in the future. The other is to give Prime Minister Zuo the land east of El River.

In the next thousand years, because the Lu family rescued the Huaxia Empire in times of crisis in many wars, the people of the Huaxia Empire respectfully called the Lu family the patron saint of China!