the star base !!

William went to the edge of the roof, and grabbed the top of the gas tube tightly lest he fell, he was used to it, but after all he had to be careful, for if he fell from such a height of 30 metres, he would be reduced to wreckage.


Fortunately, he had already wrapped his hands in bandages, otherwise his hands would be very damaged.

The young man gradually descended like a vagrant cat, he hadn't tried this in dozens of years, he was feeling a strange feeling doing this after all this time.


After he finished getting off the pipe, and put his foot on the ground, the bandages on his hand were already torn, and even his hands were slightly damaged.

That's because that damn gas tube, it was never smooth.

"Hmmm… I need more bandages."

He didn't care much about it, because of his limited expenses, food was a problem in itself, let alone adding bandages and sterilizing supplies for wounds, so he only bought cheap bandages that would last him for a while .

In that filthy back street he was in, the light of one of the twelve stars, a small gray star, was reflected back, fainter than the rest.

The star base appeared approximately every 400 days, but the exact day was unknown, but once the stars in the sky united and turned into only twelve stars, almost every human would go out and stare at those stars, wanting to get their tracks.

In William's memory, the nearest place where people gathered was Cold Street, where there lived about a thousand people, of whom 5 got up at most,

After the beam of light shot out from the gray star, and reflected on the young man's forehead, he suddenly felt dizzy, as if inside a bottle being quickly moved.

Seconds later, William fell to the wet, filthy ground, fainted, motionless. There was nothing unexpected, he had fainted in his previous life while receiving the astral revelation.. and not just him. Instead, all people who awaken go through this short period of coma.

Inside the young man's mind, he could see the star platform again, the place was empty and gloomy, if not for those twelve colored stars, the place would have sunk into darkness.

Once again, a beam of light shot out from the gray star and reflected on William's forehead..

The place where he set his feet was a large platform in the shape of a twelve-headed star that contained strange writings in languages ​​that no one had seen before…

The writings consist of several different languages, no one could understand all this, but William who lived 190 years was a con artist, seller and broker of forbidden technology with creatures who are the enemy of man in this age, and one of the languages in which he was written in Starbase is quite familiar to him.

" this language ...xenolinguistics ? "

This xenolinguistics language was the language used to make deals with various beings, each gender has its own language, but xenolinguistics is the unified language that can be spoken with almost any being....


Because of the many deals with other creatures, William acquired a great knowledge of this language, reading what was written there was never a difficult thing.


_ Fill the superstar or die with it _

" ...What is the meaning of this ? ..too encrypted! " What is the use of his understanding of language if he cannot understand what the sentence means? said the young man, while rubbing his head in confusion.

"Fill in the great star or die with it.... I don't understand... I need the key to solve this..."

He had features of enthusiasm, he was obsessed with everything that was unusual or incomprehensible, he even recognized aliens and monsters because of this.

William moved his eyes from sentence to sentence, and many sentences were written in languages he had never seen before.

" Hmm? ... " William smiled excitedly as he stared at another sentence at xenolinguistics

_ The fifth centenary is the beginning, and the half is the end. _

"It's not clear again...that's not enough." The young man looked around at every corner on the star base, but even so, those two sentences were only in xenolinguistics, the rest were strange languages ​​he didn't know.

The light of the gray star was becoming more and more benign, until it turned into a bright star whose light suppressed the light of all the other stars, the red star, the yellow-green star. And the rest...

" Yes... the worst path again, the star-eyed analyst path "

In his previous life, he had obtained the same path, the dull gray star, the path of the star-eyed analyzer, and abilities limited to analyzing what he saw and turning it into data.. he might have other abilities but he doesn't know these abilities, because he only reached the third level…

After the star base disappeared, the young man found himself on the same dirt street in the same position, sleeping on the floor filled with dog droppings and the smell of urine...

He got up slowly, because of his weak body, he had to do everything slowly

He moved his head left and right, and when he spotted a group of broken wine bottles, he turned to them and held the largest piece there in his hands, after his face reflected on the piece of broken glass, his expression did not change much, it was as he expected.

" Huh.. how I hate this slogan.. an eye that sees everything.. nonsense! " He grinned bitterly as he said this, on a piece of glass reflected William's forehead on which the Star-Eyed Analyst Path Symbol was drawn.. The emblem was a relatively closed eye, drawn on a strange four-fingered palm.

"Nothing special... I'm going to go get groceries." He threw the glass off his hand, and hurried out of the dark alley.

After he walked out of the secluded alley, people's shouts erupted from the side of Crumb Garden Street, which was one alley away from here.

"Damn he's been an ambulance!" That was the voice from Chrome Garden Street, it was a middle-aged man.

"Poor thing.. he just got a track, right?"

"Call 990!!!" Another said terrified

Meanwhile, William was on his way to the usual grocery store he visits almost every day, and he could hear everything the people on Chrom Garden Street were currently saying.

"I read something like this on the internet in my previous life… someone killed their friend while in an Astral Awakening coma… it's pathetic." William said coldly,

There have been several cases like this, someone killed his friend... out of jealousy... the two would probably be pathetic in the same situation, and while one of them wakes up, the other fears that his failed friend will become a great person... and.. In this case, murder!

There was nothing strange, William ignored the matter.