The worse day ..

In the basement of Craig's cement mill, William, who already knew the right way, found an intersection, turned right and continued down the stairs.

When he arrived at the chemical smelting room, William's eyes noticed an indistinct hazy body, William slowly approached until the boy who was wearing strange glasses was revealed.

"Hello, you can call me Strange Sam," said the boy from the other end, with a strange smile.

"Lord of Madness, you can call me that," said William, trying to make his voice look older. If he had resources before, he could have made a voice changer, but now he can only use this primitive method to disguise his soft voice.

"I brought what we agreed on, SD cameras, TO-batteries that can be disassembled, and a kilo of light metal.. We will do it quickly please, I have tasks to complete," said the stranger, in a hurried tone.

William approached strange Sam, and took from him the chest containing the resources they had agreed upon.

Sam took out a folded paper from his pocket, after opening it, he pulled out a pen from the same pocket and signed the paper

"Take, sign here." Sam gave William the paper and pen, and he signed too .

"The next meeting will be the day after tomorrow. I'll give you the model then," said William, as he turned to the exit and went back to where he came from.

"Well, I look forward to seeing your invention." ...After William had disappeared from view, the strange Sam walked toward the xbrak jet-bike and hastily led it into the huge sewer pipes.

In giant sewage pipes, the XBRAK jet-bike crossed at breakneck speed.

Bib bib bib ..

Strange Sam pulled out his phone from the bike trunk. He read the caller's name and sighed in dissatisfaction.

"The damned again..."

Accept the call.

" Hel-- " .. before Sam finished his speech, an angry young man's voice sounded from the other side of the phone

"Didn't I tell you that you had a mission at 1:20 tonight? Why didn't you answer?" said someone on the other side of the phone.

"I had a big deal, Claude, you know, I'm not the only one who can do the tasks, you can give it to another member," said the strange Sam, in an conceited tone, as if he wanted to provoke the wrath of the person he was talking to.

"Sigh..Alex has already accepted the assignment, I tried to stop him, but he refused, saying he wanted to do something important for the organization..but..I don't think he would," said Claude in a nervous tone.

"George is already on the second level...what do you mean he won't be able to?" Sam the stranger appeared dumbfounded, and said sternly after he stopped his bike in the sewers.

"He's really strong, but the task is beyond his ability... he can't defeat Simien Listri, since the task was primarily yours, you are the one who will help him," said Claude on the other side of the phone, in a tense tone, but he tried to calm himself over and over. And repeatedly.

"where?" Sweat seeped from Sam's curious forehead, if his teammate died while performing the task Sam was supposed to accomplish... he would be punished harshly.

"Near Chrome Garden Street, one street on the right, in a little snack shop with no name, I'll send you the exact coordinates, you have to hurry."

Curious Sam hastily ended the call, turned on the xbrak's top speed motor, and went back to where he came from.

When he made the deal with William, he was already close to Chrome Garden Street, but now he was more than thirty-five kilometers away from him.


Near Chrome Garden Street, William was passing in front of Miss Simien's shop to buy some supplies, he didn't really need these.. but according to his memory from his previous life, Miss Simien would disappear forever one day, and the shop would close after that, he at least wanted to thank The person who supported him without conditions or hidden intentions.

After William crossed the highway separating him from Miss Simien's shop, he heard a strange sound.

Screaming sound !

" Ehhhh "

As soon as he heard this, William panicked and sweated out.

" So...Miss Simian didn't leave town...she was killed by a monster ? "

The sound from within was powerful, and only a second level astral would make it. The stars are mysterious people, but they don't hold any grudges against normal people, so William guessed that the thing inside the shop currently.. was at least a level two monster..


"Level Two… I can't kill him."

Without thinking...William turned to the highway and ran across it without thinking about the red light.

The cars were going fast, and it wasn't that bad, at least it was better than being devoured by the beast currently devouring Miss Simien. ..

The first car passed in front of William and was about to hit him.

"Hey. You, do you wish to die? ..Get out of the way!"

Not caring about this stupid old man screaming from inside his luxury car, William kept running nonstop.

~ "I didn't go back 171 years to save this filthy world or to save its foolish people… I came back to live… to avoid the horrific death that stared at me… with a broad smile… I won't die now… not now."

"Miss Simin was really nice, but not so much that I would sacrifice myself for her."

A bright yellow light flashed in William's face, before he reached the end of the road, he turned to see a fancy black MD car driving towards him.

huh? Damn ...

At the last moment, William enveloped himself with some astral aura to avoid death, but even so, he had already been damaged quite a bit after being hit by a car like this .

The driver didn't care much, and instead, turning to the back seat, said to his master, "Sir, I hit someone, I'm going out to check."

" It doesn't take much time," said the young man in the back seat in a calm tone.

" Yes sir "

William was lying on the ground moaning in pain. William saw the face of the old driver who was approaching him, but then, he saw the face of the young man sitting in the back seat of the car.


William ignored the agonizing pain, and quickly got up trying to escape out of the way.

"He, stop, young man." The old driver tried to stop him, but he didn't care and continued running with his injured body.

It was very crowded on this highway, and the parking of this MD car led to the delay of many cars in the back.

The old driver was intending to follow William to check on him, but this would delay the passing of cars on this street.

The driver got into his car again.

The young man in the back seat was carelessly reading a book. He didn't even notice William's face. "what happened?"

"He ran away," said the driver respectfully.

If nothing had happened, said the handsome young man at the back, without signs of guilt or sadness, "He didn't cause any trouble in the least, that's fine

"Yes, sir, but I noticed something in him," said the driver, uncertainly.

"And what is it?" The young man seemed a little concerned, but not so much that he would stop reading for it.

"This boy… the car's speed was 200 kilometers per hour…" said the old driver, wiping the sweat off his face .

"Do you mean…" The young man's eyes widened as he said so .

"Yes sir, he was hit directly by the car...and yet he got up as if nothing had happened," said the driver again .