Magician under the moonlight

" Now, skinny boy, tell us where is Simien Listerie! " Big Evan spoke again.

William's features did not change much, although he was held like this, but he was almost confident that he would survive.

William smiled lightly.

Evan approached William again, and holding his right hand, Evan raised William's index finger, and smiled, "A few fingers won't stop you from telling the truth."

" Argggg !!! "

Evan squeezed on William's index finger hard.

" I'll tell you I'll tell you stop "

"Now, emaciated boy, tell me where is Simien Lesterie," said Evan again.

William's features did not change much, although he was held like this, but he was almost confident that he would survive.

William smiled lightly.

Evan approached William again, and holding his right hand, Evan raised William's index finger, and smiled, "A few fingers won't stop you from telling the truth."

Seems like this big guy isn't really joking, and Sam seems to have no intention of stopping him, he's staring at William too, waiting for an answer... But the problem here... is that William doesn't really know where Miss Simien went, he doesn't He even knows she was astral..

"That's better, so where is she?" Sam smiled as he pulled his teammate back to prevent him from breaking William's finger further.

"Argh.. she's in Roshan's lab, and she has colleagues there." William told a stupid story, he was waiting for Robert and Roshan's group to criticize him because he was officially one of them, but since they didn't come to criticize him, he'd be happy to share his misfortune

"Roshan's lab? Isn't the Roshan family's lab?" Evan turned to Sam and asked.

"It really is.. does the Roshan family have a connection to the Higher Mind Organization?" ... 'Sam wondered inwardly, William's statement was strange, but William had no use for a lie, and that was what solidified their belief in the lie.

"Hey?...Who is there?" Sam turned to the stairs that lead to the store, and shouted in a terrified voice. Gradually, a mysterious shadow began to appear inside the small store.

"I'll make sure," said Evan to his colleague Sam, and walked up the stairs quickly.

"Urrggg !!! "

For some reason, Ivan was pushed from the top of the stairs and fell into the warehouse again, breaking a few boxes.

"What's the matter, Evan? Who's there?" Sam was terrified, and quickly went to his friend to help him stand.

The sound of footsteps got closer, and suddenly, in full view, was an old man in a tuxedo with white hair and gray moustache.

"Who are you?" after Sam controlled his panic. He stared at the old man and said.

"I'm Richard, the first servant of the Roshan family, that boy is a scientist from the Roshan Star Laboratory, please hand it over to me."

This old man was Robert's servant Richard, the same driver who had hit William before.

When Richard stated this, Sam sighed of relief 'The Roshans are not in the astrals community as far as I know, so he doesn't really know who we are'.

As Robert had said before, the Roshan family was really involved in the astrals realm in secret, even Sam and Evan thought that this family was far from their affairs.

In addition, the appearance of the old man from the Roshan family made them believe William's lie that Simien Listerie was hiding in Roshan's astral laboratory.

"Old man, there is a wanted person hiding in your lab. You can take the boy in exchange for taking us to Roshan's lab."

Despite saying that, Sam and Evan didn't even think about releasing William. To them, the Roshans were just another aristocratic family, and they would have killed Old Richard, William, and the rest of the scientists in the lab, after capturing Simin Lister.

Anyway, how many astrals guards are there in Roshan? three ? five? Even if it was a really rich family, they would have no more than five astrals

"Then what do you think, old man…." Before Sam finished speaking, dumbfounded by the scene in front of him, Old Richard looked angrily at the two, his eyes glimmering with a strange blue light.

A strange blue light surrounded old Richard on all sides, as if it was a protective shield.

" it's a ..."

Evan and samThey were stare at each other in exclamation, but soon realize what they must do, ... fend for themselves!

Evan hit the ground hard, until it cracked, then his arms turned into solid rock..

Evan quickly attacked Richard, trying to punch him with his petrified hand.

"No, Evan… it is…" Before Sam could finish his words, Evan's body was punctured, and blood began to seep from the hole pierced by a blue crescent-shaped sharp blade.

Magician under the moonlight.

" killed him!!" After Sam got angry and tried to use his power as well, he remembered that his enemy was a magician under the moonlight... who could mess with him?? .

An enchanting path under the moonlight, the star of the blue sky... A rare and wonderful path, its owner acquires powerful skills such as the Moon Blade, Moon Enhancement, and their physical strength also increases during the rising of the moon... It is a complete path, opposite of Ivan's path. Sam, the full armor path, which is limited to transforming the body into materials it touches, was the first factor that caused Ivan to be killed, but the second factor was the level of both of them… When Richard appeared his eyes flashed with a strange blue light, this skill is called Heavenly Detection. Specializing in seeing the opponent's level, Richard would not have been so sure of himself if he had revealed that Evan and Sam were stronger than him... judging by his great confidence... they were undoubtedly inferior to him!

"Hand me William James, and you will have a nice death unlike your fellow." Richard's presence was strange, and terrifying at the same time, his aura like a master who had spent his life threatening and killing, never the presence of an old servant..

With this, Sam was puzzled, one question was floating around in his mind 'Is Simien Listrie really in Roshan's lab?? ..and if this old man is from the Roshan family… does that mean that there are more mages under the moonlight over there? '

Sam was not a coward, he was willing to sacrifice his life to perform the tasks assigned to him by the organization, dying in this way is not humiliating anyway

But what can he do? It's now in a basement, which means smashing walls won't do any good. His only solution was to try to go up the stairs in front of Richard, but... what Sam has is not speed... he's just like Evan, full armor trajectory, star brown..

Sam stared at William, who was sitting in the chair behind him. Threatening Richard with William was an option, but what guarantees that Richard really cares about William? ...and what guarantees that Sam's neck will not be cut before he reaches William? Plus, the distance between Sam and William is greater than the distance between Sam and Richard!

Sam was a bit nervous, he knew he was going to die without doing his job, at least he wanted to leave evidence that Roshan's lab had astrals, so in what way?

' It doesn't matter, even if it costs me this death, I'll tell him anyway.'

Sam leaned back a little and put his hand on a solid piece of iron stuck to the wall, turning his entire body into iron.

Although Sam had no intention of fighting with Richard, it could be said that it was just a normal procedure to delay death a bit..

Sam was a middle rank two, unlike Ivan who was barely a second level low, Sam was able to completely transform himself into various forms of metals and materials, as well as being able to control the materials he touched and shape them at will.

Sam waved his hand in the air, the iron in the wall seemed to move and form like molten iron, and the iron trapped Sam forming a shield before Richard could make any reaction.

Richard was in no hurry to kill Sam, so he retreated to do as it came for him,

Richard went to William who was sitting on the chair, though he was not restrained, but he sat in the chair motionless so as not to get injured during their fight, so he remained still the whole time.

Richard reached out to help William get up, but noticed that William's finger was in tatters

"Sorry, we tracked you down here earlier, but we didn't think you were in trouble."

"It's okay, it's not a big thing."

William took Richard's hand and got up from the wooden chair.

William was dizzy from the pain, and also because he sat for a while, and suddenly, some of the things that Sam and Evan said began to come together and their meaning became more clear to William..

'What if...'

"Are you alright? I'll call Roshan's ambulance for you," said Old Richard, staring at William, who had a strange look.

Without any reply, William ran quickly, ignoring his surroundings, and never stopped until he climbed the stairs leading to Simian's shop.

"Hey stop..." Richard tried to follow William to stop him, but then stared at the iron shield that surrounded Sam,

'if you chase after him.. that person will run away and tell his colleagues that the Roshan family has astrals... that would be bad.'

In everyone's eyes, the Roshan Family which is one of the largest of the Nine Families in the Federation is just another aristocratic family, and they don't know that it runs a group of disguised astrals..

Richard headed towards the iron wall that surrounded Sam, wrapped his hand in the moon's magic aura, and turned his hands into a shape like hard, radioactive glass, and then started hitting that iron wall hard.
