A black freak wolf

It's 11 at night.

[Mr. William, there is a visitor asking to see you]

"Hmm? So he has already come."

William smiled hearing this, took off the academy's uniform and left only the belt, then put on a black coat and black pants, in addition to a hat of the same color.

He went to the office and then took out some papers he wrote in the morning and stored them in the dimensional space in the belt...

When William opened the door, he was right with Rod, who was dressed in black thief's clothes and holding a folded paper in his hand.

"This is the outline of engineering in this academy." Rod extended the folded paper in his hand.

Rod's voice was very deep and unnatural, he was using a voice changer, it wouldn't help him much, but it was a habit for thieves.

William showed the paper describing the corridors and geometry in a certain part of the academy, a small part that Rod had studied all along.

'hmmm good'

William moved after closing the door, and quickly descended into the building, accompanied by Rod in black clothes like a ninja.

Rod was actually the person tasked with guarding this place, so the number of guards was few, even if they were present, they were mostly at the second level unlike Rod who was at the middle rank a athird level .

The two of them only moved beside the walls without drawing attention, there were many students who went to restaurants or cinema halls at night so the place was not completely empty.

"Like I saw something there?"

"Yes, I heard a sound...let's move on quickly."

A group of students of three, after seeing moving shadows crossing in front of them, spoke,

The three students moved quickly and stared at the place where they saw the error..

" nobody is here ? "

"Hm...looks like I was fantasizing!"

William and Rod continued to move between the buildings little by little,

"We have arrived, this is the place we need"

Rod stared at the water delivery building, this was the place used to fetch water, a large pipe heading to contracted water stations and connected with other places .... There are many water delivery stations here, but this one was special, because a pipe The water is broken, so the water did not pass through it..

William first jumped into the tube, which was an underground tunnel, then a straight road that looked like a sewer, but certainly cleaner.

Rod also jumped up and stared at the straight path in front of him.

The two of them proceeded straight forward until they reached a door on the other side of the tunnel, which undoubtedly leads to the place where the pure water reaches from the eastern part, where the water is filtered here and sent through the lower pipes to the academy.

The door was locked and made of distal fortified iron, there was no way to break it, but because of the path of Rod, the ghost who belonged to this world, he could pass through the door and open it from the outside.

William pointed to a specific Rod, and Rod understood immediately what he was referring to.

Suddenly, Rod's body turned into something immaterial, as if it was air or gas, but he maintained its human-like shape.

Rod crossed the wall without any obstacles as if he was a ghost.

Seconds later, the door was opened from the outside, after William had also crossed, staring at his right and left, there were two corpses of the two guards of that door, no doubt they had just been killed by Rod.

Rod approached the corpses he had killed himself, and tried to pick them up.

"What are you doing?" asked William.

"I will bury the bodies...or I will throw them into a nearby river."

Rod's point of view was a little good, but nonetheless illogical.

No, just pick them up and leave them outside, monsters will devour them."

If the corpses were thrown into the river or hidden one hundred percent, the academy would suspect this, since it would be impossible for the two guards to disappear just like that…

But if they are left in the forest, the demons will come and devour their corpses, and of course the demons do not eat some specific parts of the body, such as the bones and the spine... And when the academy finds these parts , it will assume that the corpses died by demons, not humans.

"Okay," Rod thought for a second, but soon realized and William agreed in his thinking.

Rod grabbed both bodies, each in one hand, and pulled them out,

Right now, they were literally in the Forest of Death, staying here alone would kill your life, but since Rod was in the 3rd level they might survive unharmed, plus William didn't intend to go deeper into the forest, he just wanted to move with the margins...

"We're going straight from here."

William took a while to think about their current location, but soon realized...

The two of them continued to run, both of them were using astral energy to boost their speed, but since William was still at a low level Rod was lowering his speed to keep pace.

The aspects of this Forest of Death were terrifying. Apart from the pitch blackness, the sounds of some creatures could be heard inside, like drums or the like…

"What is that smell?" Rod paused for a moment, and spoke nervously after smelling the scent in the air.

"GRRRRR." The sound of a ravenous beast echoed behind a large tree, but nonetheless, the sound was not so alarming as the smell of gunpowder.

"It's a freak...don't be reckless," William warned and took a few steps back, judging by the smell of burning gunpowder, it was surely a mutated animal, but this kind, the freak, was not very common, because they always died because of their low position in the pyramid. my lunch.

Therefore, most people did not have the opportunity to see such creatures, but nevertheless they were found in their own places in the depths of the forest, such as herds of mutant lions, or mutant gorillas, and so on..

But most people never go deep inside.

From behind the tree, the body of a huge black dog began to appear, it was twice the size, it was a black wolf with red eyes and long and many claws, and the same with the teeth, which were sharp, and there is a tusk on the right and one on the left that extend over more than 40 centimeters.


In addition to some thorns in the back of the wolf, as if they were small mountains attached to it.

As soon as the mutant wolf appeared, it attacked directly towards Rod who was still surprised, but he quickly used the ghostly body skill to transform his body into something immaterial like a ghost, so the wolf's paw crossed through Rod's body without performing it.

After this, Rod flew like a ghost and backed away and stared at William, "Do you know what this is?"

"Yes, it is a demonic wolf from the category of mutants that exists in herds, they call it the black wolf of the rock....beware of its fangs because it is poisoned with fire poison...and beware of those around you, it is impossible for a collective beast like it to exist alone."

William had a list containing a huge collection of different monsters and non-worldly beings, let alone an animal that had been bitten by a demon.

William spoke and took out from the dimensional space of the belt a star plasma gun...

This plasma gun is a beginner's gun that uses some energy stones stored inside to fire bullets coated with a star aura...

Each student had one in his belt and some energy stones to refill the ammo.

William retreated quickly, after his eyes spotted a pure brown tree , he smiled slightly 'Hmmm good' and hid behind her.

Meanwhile, Rod flew like a ghost and watched as he weaved a plan.

Rod's eyes flashed violet, and a violet laser shot out towards the approaching monster, the violet laser hitting him in the stomach.


Rod had obtained this attribute at the middle level 1 rank , so it did not affect the wolf who had tough skin.

Ghost path abilities that do not belong to this world were not first-class martial abilities, his abilities were more useful in stealth or defense, as his attributes were the following: flying, violet laser, invisibility for five minutes, no need to breathe, surround himself With a solid armor, his injury healed quickly.

All these abilities are good, but if your enemy knows where you are, it will be difficult for you to use these attributes