[Bonus chapter] Wilder than His Assumption

Day Five…


Nathan hadn't recovered yet from his overwhelming orgasm when a loud knock was heard outside the door.

Abigail and Nathan looked at each other's eyes, both had one thing in mind. They had to clean themselves up and fix their clothes.

Knock! Knock!

"Master, Dr. Zhao is here," Butler Li's voice was heard.

Abigail immediately stood up, grabbing her ruined clothes that were scattered on the floor. She used it to wipe her hands clean from Nathan's cum. Nathan, on the other hand, zipped his pants back.

But his body was still half-naked as he gave his shirt to Abigail. 

Though Nathan found his release, the effect of the drug was still there. He was still hard as if his little brother was up to another round. This was the reason he had to take the drug Dr. Zhao brought with him tonight to cure him and counter the effect of the aphrodisiac drug.