The Exchange

Day Thirty…


[ Country J: At Orion Port: 7:00 pm ]

Axel and Chantha together with the other members of the Syphiruz Mafia already arrived at the Orion Port. Three vans stopped in the middle of the port. It was an old port so no people were using it at this moment. Only a few construction workers were staying in the area since the port was undergoing renovation.

But little did they know, the men wearing protective gear and construction uniforms were members of the Red Dragon Mafia. They were scattered in the area, hiding their weapons. Some snipers positioned themselves in dark places where they could easily conceal their presence from the enemies.

Agustav and others alighted from their respective cars to welcome the newcomers. Stephen and Violet were still inside the black van, being guarded by five armed men.

"What's going on here?" Violet murmured, asking Stephen. She couldn't see anything as her eyes were also blindfolded.