A Brother's Advice

Day Eighty…


Monica's anger and frustration erupted like a volcano. She couldn't accept the reality of the breakup and unleashed a torrent of emotions. "You think you can just end this, Vincent? Do you think I'll let you walk away unscathed? I've sacrificed so much for you, and this is how you repay me?! You ungrateful fool! I won't let you go! You belong to me, Vincent!"

Vincent remained stoic, unfazed by Monica's outburst. He had made up his mind, and nothing Monica said could change that. However, her reaction only fueled her determination to make him suffer.

"You think you can be happy with that witch Phantomflake? She doesn't want you, Vincent! She will only choose Nathan over you! She'll discard you like trash when she's done with you. But me, Vincent, I'm the one who truly cares for you. No one else will ever love you like I do!" Monica tried to convince Vincent that she was the one for him.