Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling

Saturday morning was usually the day that Phoenix was looking forward to, it was the day that she spend her time with her loved ones. She would wake up later than usual, laze around on the bed, clean herself up and have brunch with them.

Sometimes she would cook, or other times they would have brunch at her favourite spot, a cafe near the park that was usually crowded with people enjoying their Saturday morning.

The cafe served croissants with different fillings, but her favourite was a Spicy Crab Sandwich Croissant, that has the right amount of crab and spiciness, that really tickled her taste buds. She liked to pair it with a cup of caramel latte, as the sweetness of the caramel complimented the spiciness of the fillings.

They would spend their day watching people in the park. Families with small children playing around, couples snuggling with each other, and old people strolling around the park to keep a healthy lifestyle.

Just remembering those times filled her heart with happiness. But since she was currently alone in City M, her Saturday seems like a dull and lonely day. She would love to go to the office and have some work done, but she had habitually programmed to keep a well-balanced lifestyle. Worked on weekdays, and family time on weekends.


Reminiscing about her life in Country B, a notification pops up on her phone, waking her up from her stupor.

[Hye! This is Mia. We are still on for tonight's dinner, right? We will meet you at Scrumptious Restaurant, at 8 o'clock. Do you need someone to pick you up?]

"Oh yeah. The dinner tonight. I almost forgot," mumble Phoenix.

'I should go, right? It's not like I have better things to do.'

As she had made a resolution to make new friends a few days ago, she would go through with it. Wasn't this also how people make friends?

With that thought in mind, Phoenix typing her reply to Mia,

[Yes. The dinner is still on. I'll figure out my way there. Don't worry about it.]

A reply came soon after,

[That's great. But are you sure you didn't need a ride to the restaurant? I think I should come and pick you up.]

[That's okay. I'll manage.]

[No. Really. I think I should pick you up. You're still staying at the hotel, right?]

[Yes. I am still staying at the hotel. It's okay. I'll take a taxi. ]

[No. I'll come pick you up at the hotel.]

'This girl is really persistent,' thought Phoenix.

[Okay. If you insist.]

[That's settled! I'll pick you up at 7.30 o'clock. See you tonight. *wink.]

Phoenix released a long exhale.

'Texting with this girl can be exhausting. Now that's done. What should I do next?'

She then remembered that she needed to start searching for a house to settle in. She took out her laptop from her workbag and started doing some research on the internet. Before she decided on anything, she needed to at least have a rough idea on different areas in city M.

She searched which neighbourhoods have a safe environment, the types of house they offer, the amenities surrounding the area, and the distance to her office.

But her research deviated from searching about areas and houses, to watching some funny cats videos.

"Cats are cute and funny. I always wanted one."

She looked for some more videos and some of them had dogs in it.

"Which one is better? A cat or a dog?" she contemplated.

"hmm….. cats are cute and adorable, but can be lazy and unenthusiastic at times, while dogs look so energetic all the time and very loyal to the owner. They can be a guard and keep unwanted people away if we have a dog in our house. But cats are way cuter and I don't have to spend time playing with them all the time."

"I remember Sky and Sienna liked to feed a stray cat in our apartment area. He will buy packets of cat feed and give it to the cat. Did they like cats or dogs?"

The house that they used to live in Country B, has strict rules about pets. They didn't let the residents raise a pet; it doesn't matter if it's a cat, dogs, rabbit, squirrel or turtle, they didn't allow it. A resident was once caught keeping hamsters, at first it wasn't noticed by anyone. But later, the hamster breed and the smell spread through other units, making the neighbour sick, as she had allergies.

"If it's not for the strict rules by the management, I'm sure Sky and Sienna will bring the stray cat home."

Remembering that memory, she thought maybe it was a good idea to adopt a cat to make Sky and Sienna happy. Before that, she needed to find a suitable place to live. She had to find a place that would let the residents to raise pets.

'Maybe a detached house is better than an apartment or condo, I won't have to abide by its strict rules. What about security and neighbours? There's a lot I have to consider before choosing a house. Maybe a house with a lawn so that cats or dogs can run around. '

She returned to searching houses. She particularly searched for houses with a lawn or garden instead of an apartment that she used to. Did it really matter what type of house she lives in?

She didn't mind living anywhere as long as her loved ones were with her. 'Home isn't a place, it's a feeling.'

"Should I adopt a cat and surprise them or should I wait till they come and choose a cat together?" Phoenix talked to herself.

Time passed by and soon it was already 6 o'clock in the evening.

Phoenix looked at the time and yawned. She closed her laptop and kept it safely in her bag, and headed to the bathroom to clean up and prepare for dinner.