No one left behind

Ashton Qin is the current CEO of his family legacy, Qindom Empire. This position was not handed to him easily, but he had worked hard for it since his teenage years. He spent years learning about his family business and after years of hard work; he had proven his capability to lead the empire.

He was respected and was looked up by many people, young and old. He had everything that most people sought after; position, wealth, power, and good looks.

But right now, the king of the empire was feeling like a damsel in distress, being taken care of by a lady, and that put a dent in his ego. He didn't think his condition was severe, after taking the medicine that Phoenix had given him, his temperature was lowered down to normal and his sprained ankle didn't look that bad.

This was not the first time Ashton went camping, or came to the wilderness, so he knows basic survival skills. Despite all that, he was impressed by the girl that was with him.

'Did this girl from the army? That could explain everything. Her fighting skills, her demeanor, and her adaptation in the wild.'

While Ashton was thinking about her, Phoenix had something else on her mind.

'This is weird, aren't we supposed to get help by now? This hill was a popular place, and I'm sure the rangers are used to every nook and cranny of the hill. It's impossible that they can't find us.'

"Ms Li, you don't have to worry so much. They will find us."

Ashton couldn't take it anymore. Looking at Phoenix's worried face, he tried to reassure Phoenix that everything would be fine.

"I know. I'm worried about you." Phoenix looked at Ashton.

"I'm fine. The medicine that you gave me had lowered down my temperature. I think we can start moving as soon as the rain stops."

"Can you walk in that condition?" she asked.

Ashton's pride was hurt when Phoenix asked that, but he didn't want to look weak in front of Phoenix. Besides, he really felt like his ankle wasn't that bad.

"Yes. It's not badly swollen. It must be just a minor sprain. I can still walk."

When the rain stopped, they both went out from the cave and started walking. Phoenix still helped Ashton to walk, as she didn't want Ashton to put pressure on his injured foot.

After looking in the direction of the sun, they had a general idea of which way they should be headed.

"Were you in the army, Ms Li?" Ashton suddenly asked.

Phoenix stiffened when she heard Ashton question.

"What makes you think so?"

"You save my sister by fighting with two guys, you have a resilient body and you seem like you easily adapt in the wild."

Phoenix turned her head to the side to look at Ashton, only to be surprised that Ashton was looking at her too with his piercing eyes. Their faces were closed to each other, making their breath caress each other.

Phoenix quickly looked away from Ashton.

"I guess… you can say so."

Ashton was unsatisfied with her answer, but he couldn't force her to explain herself. She was looking ahead, but he could see that there was something that was swirling in her mind from her creased forehead and the melancholic looked in her eyes.

After walking for a while, they met Ethan with two rangers who were in search of them.

"Thank god! You guys are okay." Ethan was glad to see both of them.

"I sprained my ankle," Ashton said flatly.

"I can see that. Is it just a sprained ankle, or is there any other injury?" Ethan scanned Ashton's body up and down.

Ethan then turned to look at Phoenix and asked, "Are you okay, Ms Li?"

"I am fine, President Han," Phoenix answered.

Phoenix released Ashton's arm from her shoulder and let Ethan take her place in helping Ashton walk.

Last night, Ethan was so worried when they didn't see Ashton and Phoenix appeared at the foot of the hill when the storm had come.

He figured out that Ashton and Phoenix were already caught in the storm and weren't able to climb down the hill.

When the weather cleared, Ethan quickly asked for help and arranged a search team to search for Ashton and Phoenix, but because of the storm the night before, there was a landslide that blocked the trail to climb up, so they had to figure out an alternatives way to climb the hill and started searching for Ashton and Phoenix.

Even when the rain started to pour down, they didn't halt the search since it wasn't a heavy downpour, and their perseverance had paid off. They did find Ashton and Phoenix safely. Other than Ashton spraining his ankle, they both only had some minor wounds and cuts.

"Oh, thank god!" Mia ran towards them as soon as they see them arrived at the bottom of the hill and hugs Phoenix and Ashton alternately.

"Brother, are you okay?" Mia and Tiana were both looking at Ashton, who was being supported by Ethan. Ashton was looking a little pale.

"It's just a sprained ankle. That's nothing to worry about." Ashton gave a reassuring smile to Mia to assure her he was okay, and they should not worry too much.

Ethan had asked them to go back first, but Mia and Tiana were adamant to wait on the hillside until they found Ashton and Phoenix.

Both of them were so tensed and restless while waiting for any news regarding the both of them. Guilt and worry were evident in their faces.

"I'm so sorry for troubling you guys." Phoenix apologized to them, and then she looked at Ashton. "I'm sorry for troubling you. You should just leave me and go down with them."

"What are you saying? We are friends, there's no trouble between friends. We would never leave you. How could you think that? No one will be left behind." Mia was the one who chastised Phoenix, but her eyes were brimming with tears.

For the first time, Phoenix felt warm inside her heart, she tried to show her best smile but it appeared a little awkward. Mia chuckled seeing Phoenix who was usually having a poker face, trying to smile. She gave Phoenix a hug while her chuckles slowly turned into a laugh.

Ethan already prepared a medical team on standby for a medical emergency before he departed to search for them. The medical team checked on Ashton's foot and found out it was already properly bandaged, and the wounds and cuts on him were already treated. But still, it was safer to go to the hospital and get Ashton properly checked.

Even though Phoenix insisted that she was fine, Mia still made her go to the hospital to get her wounds treated, and have a thorough checkup.


At the emergency department of the hospital, Phoenix was sitting on the bed of one of the treatment rooms. The four white walls of the hospital and the strong smells of antiseptic made her throat dry and her head dizzy. It must be her imagination, but she felt like she was dying inside. Her hands were icy. But on the outside? She was looking as emotionless as ever. She had mastered the art of poker face.

Phoenix didn't want to appear weak or scared.

She looked at the nurse, who was walking back and forth preparing items that were needed to treat her wounds.

She didn't particularly hated hospitals. She just hated when she was the one who they have to focus on, the subject of the tests and treatments.

She jolted a little when the nurse held her hand to apply medicine to her wounded arms. After the nurse had properly cleaned her wound, the wound could be seen more clearly, and it appeared that the wound was actually bigger than she thought and needed to be stitched.

"It stings a little." The nurse thought that Phoenix was feeling pain from the wound, but in reality, she was already numb from the pain.

After treating her wounds, and covering it properly, the nurse asked if Phoenix was feeling painful anywhere else. The kind nurse even suggested sending her for an x-ray, but Phoenix refused and told the nurse that she was fine.

She was really uncomfortable to sit in this treatment room any longer. It brought back unpleasant memories from her childhood.

Mia and Tiana suggested she stay in the hospital for a day or two just to be safe, but Phoenix was adamant that she was really fine.

Phoenix had to seek the doctor and had his clearance as proof that she was really okay and did not need to do any tests, treatments or the need to stay in the hospital any longer.

At last, Mia and Tiana relented, and let Phoenix go back. Phoenix was sent to Camellia Hotel by Ethan and Tiana while Mia stayed to take care of Ashton, who was kept in the hospital for a few days to recuperate.