Friendship is not about who you’ve known the longest

'How did this happen? Am I possessed?'

Phoenix looked at the paper bags in her hand and she asked herself. She was definitely being possessed by her two friends who made her buy, not only the dress that she had tried on, but they made her buy a few more dresses, shoes and cosmetic products, even some lingerie! She was definitely being possessed by a shopaholic ghost!

What made her surprised was, she didn't feel repulsive when shopping with Mia and Tiana. She was actually enjoying every moment of it. Maybe it was not about shopping that she didn't like, but it was with who she spent her time with.

After knowing that her brother had asked Phoenix on a date (*cough. Meal). Mia insisted that Phoenix buy all of those things. She didn't say it out loud that it was for the 'meal', but was making an excuse that Phoenix needed all of that for future use, among other things. Tiana was even impressed with Mia's reasoning. They both really wanted to make the relationship between Phoenix and Ashton possible. Wasn't that what friends are for?

"Let's enter that shop." Tiana pointed at a Men's clothing store and asked them to follow her.

"Sis Tiana, do you want to buy something for brother Ethan? You never fail to shove dog food to us, even if he isn't here, you still think of him."

"Don't be a sourpuss, it will be me and Ethan's 5th year anniversary this Saturday. I thought of getting a present for him."

"Oh, is it? Congratulations! How will you celebrate it?" Mia asked.

"I'm not sure, but Ethan had asked me to clear my schedule for the weekend. He must have planned something."

"Of course he is. He is so in love with you. Do you think he will just let the day pass just like that without planning anything? I don't think so."

Tiana giggled, it warmed her heart whenever she thought about Ethan. Yes, they both were so in love with each other. She was feeling lucky that Ethan loved her unconditionally. Ethan was an excellent man, and there were a lot of women who were pining after him, and it did make her restless most of the time. But Ethan has proven to her time and time again that there was no one else in his heart but her.

"What do you guys think I should get for him?" Tiana asked, looking at Mia and Phoenix.

"If it is your anniversary, why don't you get something for both of you? Something that comes as a pair."

Tiana and Mia both looked at Phoenix with their eyes lit up.

"That's right! It is YOUR anniversary. You should both get a present to commemorate the special day," Mia excitedly said while looking around the shop for something that came in a pair.

"Owh. I didn't think of that. I can surprise Ethan with that. Thank you Phoenix." Tiana gave a hug to Phoenix, quickly released her and sauntered towards the displayed cabinets.

'If my guess is correct, President Han would make his proposal on their anniversary. My suggestion wasn't even as surprising as what he was about to do.'

They walked out of the shop as there were only men's items that were sold in the store.

"How about a matching watch? You can put an engraving on it." Suggested Mia to Tiana.

"That's good. Let's go to TimeWatch then. Come on Phoenix."

Mia and Tiana were walking ahead, too excited at the idea of buying Tiana and Ethan's anniversary present. Phoenix was walking a few steps behind them and secretly scanned the surrounding area. She was feeling that there were eyes on them when they left the shop before. It wasn't a friendly or a harmless gaze, but she could sense malice in those gazes, and it alarmed her. It didn't matter who is the target was, but she wouldn't let that person do any harm to her friends. So she put her guard up for any trouble that may come their way.

Phoenix carefully entered the TimeWatch shop where Tiana and Mia were. Both of them were busy looking at several watches on display.

"Sis, what about these Omega couple watches?" Mia asked.

"Not bad. The colour is nice. Hmm… but let me take a look at the others first."

Tiana really took her time searching for a perfect couple's watches for her and Ethan. They spent quite a while in the watch shop until finally Tiana settled on a matching Reine de Naples Breguet watch. The engraving would took sometime, so they decided to have their dinner first in one of the restaurants in Le Graff Shopping Mall.

They chose to have Korean food for dinner, so they went to Mukbang Restaurant to have their meal. Phoenix let Tiana and Mia enter first, as she needed to pick up a call from work.

"Sis Tiana, could you order first, I need to go to the restroom." Mia stood up from her seat and went to the restroom outside the restaurant.

When Phoenix had finished her call and came inside the restaurant, she only saw Tiana and asked where Mia was.

"Mia went to the restroom. She asked us to order first. How about we take this set for 4 people?"

Once she heard that Mia went to the restroom, Phoenix became distressed, and she quickly ran outside to look for Mia, leaving Tiana clueless. Tiana had noticed the uneasy look on Phoenix's face when she heard that Mia went outside to the ladies' room and wondered if something was up.

"What's going on? What makes her panic?" Tiana was questioning herself. She didn't know if she should follow Phoenix, or wait for them in the restaurant.

Phoenix ran to the nearest restroom to look for Mia. There was a closed sign in front of the alley to the restroom, but Phoenix ignored it and quickly ran towards the alley. The mall has many restrooms for visitors' convenience, and it wouldn't be surprising if one of the restrooms was closed for cleaning.

When she ran by the disabled toilet, Phoenix heard some voices inside. She stopped and tried to listen, but quickly backed away with a red face.

'What is wrong with people?!' Can't they do this at home, or maybe in a hotel?'

Phoenix resumed her search for Mia until she saw Mia talking with someone at the emergency exit. The door to the emergency exit was slightly ajar. Mia was talking with someone who was apprehended by two bulky men in front of her.

"This is all your fault! You make me become like this, Mia."

"I didn't do anything to you, Katie."

"You make me lose Lola, you make me lose my business, you make me lose everything!"

"You guys who try to set me up. I'm the one who should be angry right now! I thought we were friends!"

"Friends? Don't make me laugh. You never see us as friends. You didn't even help us with anything when we asked for it. You didn't even help us get close to your brothers! What kind of friend is that?!"

Mia looked at Katie in bafflement. Katie was jealous not only for her beauty and wealth, but she befriended Mia in hoping that Mia will get her close to one of her brothers, but her brothers were still out of Katie's reach.

She felt like it was pointless to befriend Mia, if she couldn't get close to Ashton or Ethan. Even though Ethan already has a steady girlfriend, she was still hoping that maybe Ethan will look her way.

It was not that Mia never introduced her friends to her brothers, on any events that they were invited to. It was just that Ashton never paid attention to any of them because they didn't pick his interest, and for Ethan, no one could enter his heart, as it was fully occupied by Tiana.

Mia's eyes were already brimming with tears, she gestured to the two men to take Katie away as she could no longer take it. Just like Lola, she knew it was pointless to talk to Katie. Their friendship was already severed without any glimmer of hope.

Mia walked out from the Emergency exit and saw Phoenix leaning on the wall with a concerned look on her face.

"Are you okay Ms Mia?"

Just like before, when Mia heard that from Phoenix, she hugged Phoenix and cried her heart out on Phoenix's shoulder.

"Do you want to go to the batting cages?" Asked Phoenix while patting Mia's back.

Mia looked at Phoenix's serious face and burst out laughing at hearing that.

"Batting cages sounds good, but I'll pass. We should go back to the restaurant or Sis Tiana might become worried."

"Okay, Let's go."

Phoenix let Mia hold on to her arm, and they both walked to the Mukbang Restaurant for dinner.

Phoenix did notice the men that were usually there whenever she went out with Mia, and she could guess that it was the bodyguard that Ashton must have secretly put them to guard Mia, especially since the night that Mia was drugged. But as a friend, she couldn't stop worrying about Mia when she could sense a sinister gaze towards them.

Tiana was worried when she saw that there were traces of crying from Mia's face and she gave a questioning look at Phoenix.

Phoenix just shook her head and mouthed 'Later' so that Tiana wouldn't ask questions. They all just pretended that nothing was wrong and ate as usual while chatting and laughing to make Mia forget what had happened.

Friendship was not about who you've known the longest. It was about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you" and proved it.