Love and rumours

Glorious Marina Resort

"Are we going to spend our anniversary weekend here?" Tiana looked at the resort that was surrounded by greenery, palm trees and blue waters with stars in her eyes.

They have been driving for three hours from City M to Glorious Marina Resort which was one of Glorious Han's Group Marina Resort, located at a small seaside town that was famous for it white sandy beaches and beautiful sunsets view.

"You don't like it, baby?" Ethan was anxious when she heard Tiana's question. His one hand was on the steering wheels while the other hand was holding on to Tiana's soft hand.

"No, darling. Anywhere is fine, as long as I'm with you." Tiana flashed a beautiful smile at Ethan, making his nervous heart ease from worrying.

Ethan released a breath that he didn't know that he was holding and brought Tiana's hand to his lips and kissed her palm. He then put it on his cheek while looking at her tenderly.

Tiana blushed at Ethan's gesture. Even after all these years of being together, Ethan could still make her heart fluttered with every gesture he made.

"Eyes on the road, mister," Tiana chastised bashfully.

Love was thick inside the car, both of them were looking forward to spending the weekend together with only the two of them. Ethan was nervous, but was full of anticipation about what he was about to do. He had already made all the preparations and he hopes everything would go smoothly without a hitch.

The car drove past the greenery, to the main lobby of the resort. Ethan got out of the car and passed the car key to the valet to let them park his car. He went to the other side to help Tiana get out of the car by holding her hand. He then proceeded to hold Tiana's waist possessively and walked into the lobby, catching everyone's attention to them.

"President Han, Ms Chu, Welcome to Glorious Marina Resort."

The manager of the resort had been waiting in the main lobby for Ethan's arrival, and he greeted Ethan and Tiana politely as soon as he saw Ethan and Tiana walked in.

A porter was taking out the carry-on from the car boot and a female staff member was standing beside the manager in case Ethan and Tiana needed assistance.

"Hello Manager Ng, Ms Long." Both Ethan and Tiana acknowledge the presence of the manager and the female staff member.

"We have prepared a room for you, President Han. Do you want to get to your room to rest and refresh first, or would you like to head to the restaurant for lunch?" The manager asked Ethan.

Ethan looked at Tiana to get her opinion, whatever his girlfriend wanted, he would follow.

"I am famished. Let's have lunch first." She was so excited in the morning before they drove out to the seaside, so she didn't eat anything other than drink a glass of orange juice. Besides, she was a model and needed to watch out for her diet, but now she was so hungry after the long drive.

"Okay, Let's go to the restaurant." Ethan looked at the manager and the female staff member and told them they do not need to assist him as they could find the way to the restaurant themselves.

Ethan guided Tiana by her waist and walked to the restaurant on the left wing while whispering sweet nothings in her ears, making her blushed and giggled.

All the female staff that were within the vicinity were looking at the scene in envy. They all wanted someone to love them and doted on them like how their respectable president was treating his girlfriend, like she was his whole world and nothing else mattered other than her.

All of Glorious Han's Group employees know about their president and the Tiana Chu relationship. Since the latter was a model, Ethan and Tiana didn't bother to hide their relationship when they first got together, and why would they? They have known each other since they were in college and Tiana had already started modelling since then, and Ethan was there supporting her career since the beginning.

Ethan was the sole heir to the Han family who comes from a long established wealthy family, while Tiana comes from a nouveau riche family. There were lots of other rich families who were already eyeing Ethan and the Hans' wealth and trying to sow discord between Ethan and Tiana, and trying to get Ethan together with their family daughters.

At first, they all didn't have this ambition because of the close relationship between the Hans' and the Qins'. They once heard of the rumors long ago about a possible engagement between the Qins' and the Hans' and they all know that they wouldn't get a chance to even dream of getting between these two families. But the rumours dissolved when it was proven that there was nothing going on between Ethan and Mia, as Ethan only treated Mia as a sister and it solidified when Ethan got together with Tiana.

Their relationship wasn't all sunshines and rainbows, but they got through all of it together, making their relationship stronger than ever.

Some people said that Tiana was a gold digger and tried to use Ethan to establish herself, but Tiana proved them wrong. Ethan wouldn't let anyone tarnished his girlfriend's name, thus, he protected her from any harm that came her way and punish those who even try.

These families then changed their target to the Qins'. There were also rumours and stories about Ashton's relationship with an heiress from a well-known family years ago, but no one had seen Ashton with any woman and they do not know what had happened.

No one knew the truth of the story, but they were happy with it, as the Qins had both an heir and an heiress. Meaning that not only those who had daughters but families that had sons could try to get on the Qin's good side and make a possible alliance with them through marriage. But none of them have succeeded so far. For one, Ashton's heart was as hard as steel while Mia was well protected by her two brothers, any man who wants to get near Mia, will need to go through Ashton and Ethan first.

Ethan and Tiana were sitting at the table at the outside shaded patio of the restaurant, accompanied by the sea breeze and blue water.

"What would you like for lunch?" Ethan flipped the menu that was passed to him by the server and asked Tiana.

Truthfully, Ethan knew all Tiana likes and dislikes, but he still wanted to ask for Tiana's opinion as a sign of respect to her and Tiana might be craving for something other than her usual choice.

"I want something that's not too heavy, but not too light. I want to save some room for dinner," Tiana said.

"Are you sure? You said you were hungry. It's okay if you have something heavy, as we can always do some activities to burn those extra calories." Ethan gave a mischievous smile, making Tiana turn red like a tomato.

"Ethan!" Tiana whispered yelled to Ethan while hiding behind her menu and peeking at the waiter who was waiting for their order to see his reaction.

"What? I'm planning to take you swimming and snorkelling after this," Ethan said innocently.

Tiana narrowed her eyes on Ethan, and turned to the waiter, "I'll have smoked salmon, seafood fried rice, Marinara spaghetti, lemon tart and a watermelon juice." She then gave a sweet and murderous look at Ethan and said sweetly. "Darling, If I can't finish that you can help me right?"

She quickly ordered to shoo the waiter away as she can no longer hold her embarrassment with Ethan's antics in front of the waiter.

"I'll have coconut water," Ethan said while still looking at Tiana tenderly.

The waiter nodded and left the lovebirds alone on the patio.

Ethan extended his hand to hold Tiana's hand, who was looking at the sea, avoiding Ethan's passionate gaze on her. He caressed his girlfriend's slender hand and kissed it to coax his sulking girlfriend.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Please look at me." He kissed Tiana's hand affectionately.

Tiana tore her gaze from the sea and looked at Ethan, but still pouted her lips.

Ethan stood up while still holding Tiana's hand and walked towards Tiana while kissing her hand from her palm, to her wrist, to her arms, making Tiana giggled as it tickled.

Ethan stood in front of Tiana while smiling, hearing her giggling voice. He then bowed down his head and captured Tiana's lip, he released Tiana's hand from his hold and moved his hand to Tiana's cheek, caressed it tenderly and pulled her face closer to deepen their kiss.

Two souls were kissing passionately at the patio of the restaurant, with the view of the turquoise blue sea at the back and the soft breeze of the ocean wind fluttering their hairs, painting a picture perfect scene.