Whisper of an angel and a devil

Ashton unloaded his car trunk and brought in the groceries that they just bought to the kitchen, while Phoenix arranged the ingredients on the kitchen counter.

This time, Ashton insisted on joining Phoenix in the kitchen, not just to sit and watch, but to help Phoenix with the preparation of the ingredients and cooking. He wasn't that hopeless in the kitchen; he was just too nervous the other day. He could cook rice, instant noodles, and boil water successfully! Not all rich young masters could do that!

(A certain young master that was cooking for his fiancee: Yes. I can do more than that!)

Since Ashton wanted to help and learn how to cook, Phoenix didn't have qualms about teaching him. Surprisingly, Ashton was a fast learner. Phoenix had seen how Ashton had butchered the ingredients before, so Phoenix took time to teach him how to peel, and cut the vegetables properly and evenly.

When Phoenix taught him how to clean the prawns and the squids, Phoenix only had to teach him once, and he managed to continue to follow after Phoenix flawlessly. Ashton really paid attention to everything that Phoenix taught him, if possible, he didn't want Phoenix to do the dirty work, and deal with the fishy smells.

It wasn't long when they managed to cook dry butter prawns, egg tofu with sweet and sour squid, and vegetables in hot garlic sauce.

See? He was not hopeless. He just never bothered to put more effort into learning how to cook. Why would he? He had helpers for that.

Just like before, Ashton set up the table and helped Phoenix to bring the dishes to the dining area. They ate the food heartily, and as usual, Ashton was putting his attention on Phoenix. He would deshelled the prawns and put them into Phoenix's plate.

Tonight, they do everything together. After they ate, both of them cleaned the table and washed the dishes together. Phoenix had become comfortable with Ashton's presence, even though from time to time she would feel that her heart was being weird again, especially whenever Ashton was so close to her, she pushed that feeling away, and enjoyed Ashton's company.

Phoenix wasn't good at making desserts, so they had bought a triple chocolate ice cream from the supermarket.

They sat on the carpeted living room floor and leaned on the sofa while eating the ice cream, while talking to each other.

"Is it good? Do you like it?" Ashton asked, referring to the ice cream.

"Yes. It's good. It's not too sweet. The dark chocolate balanced the sweetness of the milk chocolate and the white chocolate." Phoenix liked sweets, but she could only tolerate a certain amount of sweetness. She didn't like foods that were too sweet, and the ice cream was just perfect for her taste buds.

They continue talking about their day and about the current affairs of the country and the world, and what event affected their businesses. The talk then shifted to Mia, Ethan and Tiana and about their childhood and families. Mostly, Ashton was the one who did the talking, while Phoenix only listened.

"Let me take that." Ashton took the empty ice cream bowl from Phoenix's hand and pottered towards the kitchen, leaving Phoenix alone in the living room.

In the kitchen, after he was done washing the bowls, Ashton poured cold water into a glass and drank it to clean his pallet, then poured another glass of cold water and brought it to the living room.

His step halted when she saw Phoenix. He turned his eyes towards the clock on the wall and looked at the time, wondering if it was already late at night.

Phoenix had her head on her hand that was placed on the sofa. Her eyes were closed ,and she was breathing evenly.

'She must be really tired. What should I do now?' Ashton wondered if he should wake Phoenix, or just let her continue sleeping.

By right, he should wake Phoenix up and send her to the hotel where she had been staying, but the devil on his shoulder was tempting him to let Phoenix sleep in his house.

Her serene look on her face when she was sleeping during the storm had been playing in his mind, and now that he was presented with the same scene, he was reluctant to wake Phoenix and send her back. But the angel on his other shoulder was telling him that this might scare Phoenix and it would put a distance between them.

He was about to wake her up when there was a sound of a phone ringing in the living room. Although the sound was muffled, he still heard it. He was sure that it was not his phone, because he would feel the vibration from his pocket where his phone was. So, it must be Phoenix's phone.

He followed where the ringing sound came from, and it led to the single sofa in the living room.

Her purse was under her outer coat, and those items were placed on the sofa.

He picked up her handbag and walked out of the living room. He didn't want the ringing to disturb Phoenix's sleep. He searched for her phone in her bag and saw a contact saved as 'Sky' was calling.

His pupil dilated, and his heart was restless when he saw the name.

'That's a guy's name, right?' Ashton asked himself.

'Who is this guy calling her at night?' Ashton is a guy himself and he had called her last night, and his intention was cleared for him, and he assumed the guy was calling Phoenix with the same intention as him.

He left the call unanswered. His mind was in panic, he had resolved to chase after Phoenix, and he wouldn't give up this time, not when he was just getting started with the chase. He waited if the caller would call her again, but there was none. He was relieved and put back the phone inside her handbag.

He walked into the living room and stood in front of Phoenix's sleeping figure. He stared at her peaceful face and he had decided on what he would do.

Ashton picked Phoenix up carefully in a princess style. He leaned Phoenix's head on his shoulder and brought Phoenix towards the guest room of his villa.

He slowly lowered Phoenix on the mattress to not accidentally wake Phoenix. When he had successfully put Phoenix on the bed, he took his time to look at her face closely. His body was still leaning on Phoenix's body, that was lying on the bed. When he was satisfied, he slowly stood up from his position, but suddenly Phoenix's hand hooked on his neck and pulled him towards her, making him fall on her body.

The position was uncomfortable for him. His upper body was on Phoenix's body, while his lower body was at the side of the bed and on the floor. He tried to pry Phoenix's hand, but she was hugging his neck tightly.

"D*amn. Her hold is so strong." He was reminded by how Phoenix had put down the two men in the elevator.

Since he couldn't make her release his neck from her hold, he crawled on the bed and lay down beside her. Phoenix, who was in a deep slumber, scooted closer to him and rubbed her face on his chest. A smile of satisfaction formed on Phoenix's face.

Ashton, who was treated like a bolster, had stiffened at his place. His throat had run dry and his body started to feel hot. Phoenix was clinging so close to him, and he could feel her softness pressing on his body.

They had slept in each other's embrace before, but this was different!

There was no storm around them.

The night was peaceful; they were well sheltered in his house, and they were in a comfortable bed!

Could he sleep tonight?