Her Sister

Country B International airport.

Phoenix was still calmly sitting inside the airplane. She didn't join the crowd that was eager to get out of the plane. Phoenix always wondered why people need to rush out of the plane. The plane just landed, the door hadn't been opened yet. Why do people need to stand up quickly, take their things, and stood in the narrow alleyway? Let the flight attendant did their work, and gave way to those who needed assistance first, couldn't they? 

Was it because they couldn't wait to see their loved ones who must be waiting for them at the arrival hall? Reunited with people they have separated for some time, or they were eager to see each other after a long time?

Was it because they come for a holiday and couldn't wait to explore the new place that they just reached, and were excited to discover the people and the culture of the place that they had come to visit?