Are you trying to push me again?

Ashton drove towards Phoenix's house with a mess in his mind. He was racking his brain thinking about what he did wrong. 

'Is it because of the roses? She did say she received flowers before, but maybe she didn't like red roses? Is that it?'

"You don't like roses?" Ashton asked, breaking the deafening silence inside the car.

Without turning her sight from the side window, Phoenix answered. "No. I like roses."

"You said that you were dreaming of flowers before." 

"Yes. I did. What about it?"

"What was the flower that you were dreaming of?"

"I don't know. I didn't remember. I only remember it was pink-colored flowers."

"Pink colour? Do you like pink?"

"I don't know."

"What's your favourite colour?" 

"I don't have one."

" Is—"