Phoenix got a clue seeing the jacket

Phoenix descended the stairs towards the lower floor of her house. The house was still silent, as everybody was still in their slumber. Last night's event must have drained their energy, and since it was the weekend, it was fine for them to wake up late. She herself had woken up a little later than usual.

Entering the kitchen, Phoenix pulled the cabinet door and took out the ground coffee canister. Turning on the coffee machine, she then brewed some coffee. Since she tasted the nutty black liquid, she had become addicted to it and couldn't get through her day without having it on her system.

Opening up her pantry door, Phoenix looked inside and thought of what to prepare for their breakfast, oh wait, it supposed to be brunch? or lunch?

While she was dwelling on what to cook, Tiana entered the kitchen.

"Good Morning," Tiana said, flashing a smile. She was still in pajamas that Phoenix had lent to her the night before.