Nosy neighbours

Silence surrounded the patio after everyone had left. Ashton and Phoenix still had their eyes on each other. There were things that they needed to talk about, but neither one of them utter anything.

After minutes of staring at each other, at last, Ashton decided to break the silence, "So, you not only have a daughter, but you have a son too…."

Phoenix picked up the glass of water on the table and gulped a mouthful of water from it. 

"Yes, Sky and Sienna is my responsibility," Phoenix said. A gentle smile graced her face whenever she mentioned Sky and Sienna's name.

Ashton loved that smile of hers. That's what attracted Phoenix to him.

Her smile was beautiful. The most beautiful smile that he ever saw.

"Phoenix, is this wh—"

Ashton's words were cut when someone came to the patio looking for Phoenix.