The only person without the honorific

It was 3 in the evening and the party was over. All the guests had left Phoenix's house and went to their own house. Those that were left in Phoenix's house were, Intan, Ashton, Ethan, Tiana, Mia, Ciara, Matthew and their son Levi.

Tiana and Mia came down after spending time with Sienna inside the little girl's room.

"Oh My God, handling a kid is tiring," Mia said while slumping her head on Phoenix's shoulder. By now, Phoenix had gotten used to this, as this wasn't the first time that Mia hugged her or clinging to her. She couldn't believe it herself that she wasn't averse to Mia's physical touch like the first time they met. In fact, not only Mia, wasn't she comfortable whenever Ashton embraced her?

Ciara who was conversing with Phoenix, chuckled seeing Mia who looked like his energy was sucked out from her body. "It is indeed energy draining to have a kid," Ciara said.

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Mia straightened up her body, and smiled sheepishly.