Come bearing gifts

Ashton was on a mission today!

It was 10 in the morning when Ashton left Qin Mansion. Ashton looked energetic compared to his downcasted expression last night, puzzling his family members, when they had breakfast together that Sunday morning. 

He decided that he will continue pursuing Phoenix. From what he knew, he almost had her, but now that he knew that Phoenix had kids, he had to win Phoenix kid's heart first.

Last night he had a long discussion with Mia. With Mia's help and encouragement, Ashton had an idea on what he should do. 

After a bit of research yesterday, he knew where he should head first to start his mission today.


Intan opened the door, and she smiled amusingly seeing the person in front of her.

Ashton was standing there, holding a bouquet of flowers, and some balloons in one hand, while the other hands were holding a few paper bags.

"Good Morning Madam Lo," Ashton greeted as soon as he saw Intan.