Asking Sienna and Sky about Ashton

That night, Phoenix read a storybook for Sienna and Sky as usual. Compared to the first night that Sienna slept alone, now, Sienna didn't wake up crying anymore.

Phoenix had bought a night lamp for Sienna's room and after a week of sleeping alone, Sienna had gotten used to waking up alone in her room.

As usual, Phoenix and Sky were on Sienna's bed. Sienna was lying in the middle while Phoenix had her right side and Sky on her left side.

But before Phoenix started reciting the storybook in her hand, she called for Sky and Sienna's attention as she had an important thing to talk about with them.

"Sky, Sienna, what do you think about your Uncle Ashton?" Phoenix asked while caressing Sienna's head who was beside her.

"I like him! I like having him with us. Uncle Ashton is the most handsome man I've ever seen. And he was so kind and his house is so awesome!" Sienna promptly said. She didn't shy away from showing her likes towards Ashton.