Ashton’s unexpected rival to win Sky's heart

Ethan was sitting idle at home when Ashton called him for help. Tiana had gone to another city a few days ago for an outdoor photoshoot and will only be back later that day.

Thus, when Ashton asked to come to his villa as soon as possible, Ethan didn't make a fuss about it.

Around 15 minutes later, Ethan arrived at The Grandeur villa. After he parked his car, he got out of his car and walked leisurely while spinning his keys in one hand while whistling a random tune.

Before Ethan managed to press on the doorbell, the door burst open and Ashton pulled him in hastily.

"Hey…hey…hey… wait. Do you miss me that much? Are you that excited to see me?" Ethan almost lost his footing when Ashton pulled him inside the house. He couldn't help but teased Ashton a little.

"Shut up! Just go to the entertainment room and set up the VR machine," Ashton demanded.