Leaving Phoenix in Ashton's care

Sky and Sienna rode the scooters while the adults sat at the garden seats at the sides watching after them while arguing with each other in a low voice.

"Go home, why are both of you still here?" Ashton asked with a dark face.

"What? I came to give Sky and Sienna their gifts," Mia said.

"And you had given it to them," Ashton pointed out. 

He then turned to look at Ethan, "And you? Why are you here? Go back already. Don't you have a fiance waiting at home? " Ashton elbowed Ethan lightly.

"Tiana is out of town, working. No one is waiting for me. I'm having fun here, why would I leave?" Ethan grinned widely, annoying Ashton.

"I don't want to go. I haven't had enough of these adorable kids yet. Can I kidnap them and bring them home with me?" Mia sighed.

"Don't you dare, Mia. They are my responsibility. I don't want Phoenix to think that I'm not reliable in taking care of her kids," Ashton warned.