A childhood trauma

"What are you doing here?"

The person outside her door didn't respond, but dashed inside towards her and engulfed Phoenix in a tight hug.

"Ashton," Phoenix whispered. 

"You're safe," Ashton released a relieved sigh and tightening her hug on Phoenix.

Phoenix flinched and groaned lightly.

"You're hurt," Ashton said and released his hug and held Phoenix by the shoulder.

He was about to roam his hands on Phoenix's body to check her condition when he realised Phoenix was only wearing a bathrobe.

The tip of Ashton's ears turned red, and he turned his head away from looking at Phoenix.

"You should change," He said. 

Phoenix fixed the bathrobe to cover herself properly before she bolted towards the bathroom after picking her clothes from her luggage.

Ashton rubbed his face roughly, "She's going to be the death of me."