In denial

Phoenix's eyes widened when she heard what Ethan had said.

Standing in front of Phoenix, Cecilia flashed her best smile with tears streaming on her face at Phoenix. Her hand stretched out to hold Phoenix's face.

Unconsciously, Phoenix took a step back, making Cecilia's hand grasp on air.

"Wh-what…a-are… yo-you saying? I-I'm not…your…sister…" Phoenix asked with much trouble articulating her words. She took another step back while her eyes darted between Ethan and Cecilia.

Old Master Han took his steps forward to reach where Phoenix was standing. Seeing Phoenix dodging Cecilia's hand alarmed him. He was afraid that Phoenix would run away from there. 

"Ch-child, please don't go. Listen to what we are saying. You are my granddaughter," Old Master Han said. 

Phoenix shook her head hard, "No-no, I'm not. I can't be," she refused to believe what they are saying to her.