Picture perfect

Phoenix was woken up when the sunlight that peeked through the gap between the curtains fell on her eyes, blinding her.

She buried her face in Ashton's chest to escape from the glaring sunlights. 

Her movement awoke Ashton from his slumber. 

"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" Ashton asked when he felt Phoenix squirming in his arms.

With a muffled voice, "the sunlight is poking my eyes," Phoenix answered.

Ashton chuckled hearing her choice of words.

Phoenix rubbed her face on Ashton and inhaled his scent. 

"Phoenix, please stop," Ashton pleaded. 

Her movement froze when she felt something poking through her lower body. 

"See what you did?" Ashton accused her. "Shouldn't you be responsible for that?" teased Ashton. 

Slowly, Phoenix looked up at Ashton. With innocent eyes, "what should I do?" she asked curiously.

Now it was Ashton's eyes that turned wide.