
"What are you saying Vivian," Mrs Gong said.

"Grandma, what this miss said is true," Vivian said.

"But didn't you say you got a brooch and bracelet to be gifted to Old Madam Qin and Madam Qin?" the old lady asked. 

"Yes, I did. But the brooch and bracelet that I got are the one that the miss was holding," Vivian admitted. 

"So, whose brooch and bracelet from the 'Thousand Eyes' collection belong to?" Elanor asked. 

"The brooch and bracelet are still for you and grandma, auntie," Phoenix said, "I got it for you and grandma," she added. 

Elanor's eyes lit up, "Oh really?" a wide smile spread on her face, "That's so thoughtful of you. You shouldn't have to trouble yourself getting us gifts like these," Elanor said.

"This is a beautiful brooch, child," Old Madam Qin said with a pleasant smile.

"I'm glad you like it. Please accept these gifts, Grandma, Auntie," Phoenix said with sincerity.