When you feel good, I'm feeling good

"Become their father first?" Phoenix furrowed her forehead, "What do you mean?" she inquired. 

Rubbing the tip of his nose, "I want the twins to call me daddy, instead of Uncle," Ashton explained what he meant. 

"Ash…What are you saying?" Phoenix sat up on the bed and asked carefully, she gulped and fidgeted with her fingers.

Ashton followed her to sit up on the bed and held her hands. He stroked on her fingers to calm her down, "Phoe, I want to marry you, but this isn't my proposal. I just wanted to tell you my intention and how serious I am about our relationship. What I want at the end of this relationship is marriage. I wanted you to know that," Ashton said, his sincere hope for their relationship. 

Heat creeped on Phoenix's cheek, turning her face with the brightest shade of red.

Ashton caresses Phoenix's reddened cheeks, "You are so lovely," he said with a loving eyes.