The maids gossips

Ashton and Ethan headed towards the monitoring room where all the CCTV monitors were displayed. 

"Young Masters," the guard who was on duty in the control room greeted the two men.

"May I help you, Young Master? What are you looking for?" the guard asked. He wondered what brought Ashton and Ethan to the monitoring room. 

"Show me the footage for the pool area today," Ashton ordered. 

"Yes, Young Master," the guard nodded and quickly prepared the footage that Ashton asked for. 

He played the footage on the main screen for a bigger display. 

Ashton and Ethan had their eyes focused on the screen. Although the guard had put the footage on the main screen, there were several frames for different angles of the pool area. 

"Play it 2 times faster," Ashton ordered. 

The guard quickly executed Ashton's order and played the footage 2 times faster.