
That night, Ashton ended up sleeping with Phoenix and the twins in the guest room. 

Sky and Sienna slept between Ashton and Phoenix, separating the two, but Ashton didn't mind it at all. This was the first time Ashton slept with the twins, and he was just happy that they let him join them. It really felt like they were family now. 

When it was almost midnight, the door to the guest room was opened slightly and Elanor peek at the four of them on the bed. 

"Psst, mom, what are you doing?" Mia crept behind Elanor and asked. 

"Shhh, I'm just checking on them," Elanor said. 

"Are they sleeping?" another voice was heard behind Elanor. 

Mia and Elanor turned around and saw Old Madam Qin.

"Grandma, what are you doing here too?" Mia asked. 

"I wanted to check on them, too. I was worried," Old Madam Qin said.

The three of them peek inside the room.