Philip dirty plans

Lilian had changed into a new dress. She thanked Assistant Ko, and was waiting for the elevator to descend back to the private room floor. They were currently on the fifth floor where the staff's room was. 

A text message came to Lilian's phone, and she opened it.

[Ashton had picked me up. You can go back by yourself.]

Lilian furrowed her brow, reading the text. 

"Is there something wrong?" Assistant Ko asked. 

"Ah. Nothing's wrong. It looks like Ms Li had gone back first," Lilian said, "I'll guess I just headed home too," Lilian added.

"Well, Ms Si, thank you for having dinner with us," looking at his watch, "I guess, I should go too, there's still a few things left to do before tomorrow's bidding," Assistant Ko said and flashed Lilian a pleasant smile. 

"Ah! Yes. I wish you all the best for the tender bidding tomorrow," Lilian said.