Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty

Philip and Assistant Ko were on the bed after their intense activity. 

Leaning on the headboard of the bed, Philip held a stick of cigarette between his point finger and middle finger and took a long drag from it.

Puff of smoke came out of his mouth when he blew the air out of his lungs.

Assistant Ko, who was by Philip's side, was lying with his front on the bed, and his face buried in the pillow. 

"What time is it?" Philip asked.

Groaning, Assistant Ko pulled himself up and got out of bed while limping to the scattered clothes on the floor.

He picked up a phone on the floor and turned it around. He looked at the time that was displayed on the screen, "It's 10.30pm," he answered Philip's question.

"Hrmm, I think it's long enough," Philip smirked and got off the bed. He zipped up his pants and sauntered towards the door, while inhaling the cigarette stick, and exhaled the smoke.